♕ Today's Promise: "So do not throw away your confidence it will be richly rewarded. You must persevere so that when you have done the will of God, You will receive what is promised." Hebrews 10:35-36
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~ Krystal in Trinidad and Tobago
Hey Brides,
I just want to share my praise about how my HF (Heavenly Father) and HH (Heavenly Husband) answered me and surprised me in this season. Lately I've been struggling a lot with believing for my miracle and trusting that my Heavenly Father would not fail me or that He just been giving me false hope.
I'm mentioning HF (Heavenly Father) because the devastation I've been feeling, I really need the comfort of a father but after seeing my EH (earthly husband) post a picture of him and the same woman that caused this chaos of me leaving my home with my 3 toddlers, then realizing she has been there in our home, I've gone through tremendous struggle with my faith, and I began questioning everything about this journey.
Yesterday I hired a driver that I met recently to run an errand who realized what I've been unlike myself, kept asking me what was wrong but I refused to mention my situation, obeying the principle of talking less about my situation and also the protection of being given worldly advice.
Eventually I broke and gave the basics of my situation and here is where my HF and HH surprised me, This driver told me that I needed to keep fasting and praying, they also told me that this will be my past, encouragement and hope was fueled into me then they took their phone and pulled up the song capable God my Judikay. I felt the presence of God.
Brides I have been crying out to God for days to send someone to give me encouragement like He did during my previous 3 separations because everyone for the most seems to have given up on us.
All praises to my HH (Heavenly Husband) and HF (Heavenly Father) for orchestrating this little hope session He was just in time. He also told me to Unblock my EH (earthly husband) which I did when I saw the photo, I was also able to obey a principle because My EH had told my mother to ask me to unblock him.
"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You must persevere so that when you have done the will of God, You will receive what is promised." Hebrews 10:35-36
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