His Word Transformed Her

"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." H4:12

I have a short praise that will hopefully encourage all of you. We were sitting reading through the bible and usually when we are done, we just sit and chat for a while before we start our day. This is our morning routine. Even if I get up earlier than the children, when they get up, we start our day this way. This has nothing to do with me, but only Him, and the principles I learned here at RMI.

As we were sitting like this, my daughter mentioned how she feels different, she feels it is so much easier to share about the Lord. She does not call Him Father, they are more friends, I think her relationship with her dad, makes her a bit reluctant to call Him Father, but they are good friends, so I am not worried. She even mentioned how she was able to encourage her stepbrother when he went through a difficult situation, letting him know that the Lord was always with Him. This caught me by surprise because she would not usually do that. She said she just wondered what changed that she feels so free.

He immediately reminded me that only 2 months ago she started writing in a diary, but she used it for bible verses. Whenever she would read something in the My Beloved Child, or in what we read for the day, she would mark it and write it down in this book and read what she had written before, filling her with His word and promises.

Isn't it amazing!! How He is preparing our children to grow up to be adults who know Him without us even having a hand in the matter. I love Him so much. This whole journey was worth it, just so I could get to know Him and see my children grow up to know Him.

Dear Brides, read His promises, write them down, meditate on them day and night, and see how He transforms you like He is doing my girl. πŸ’–

9 thoughts on “His Word Transformed Her”

  1. Thank you for this beautiful testimony of your daughter precious Yvonne. It encouraged me so much. Wow I just love what our Darling Lord is doing and I totally agree, this whole journey was worth it and I say it so many times, but this is really something I never ever thought I would say, but it was worth all the pain because I gained so much more.

    1. Yes, Janine, I was thinking the same thing, I have gained much more than I have lost. πŸ’–

  2. That’s so wonderful to hear! It’s amazing how the Lord works in our lives, especially in the lives of our children. So heartwarming to hear how your daughter is growing in her faith and feeling more comfortable sharing her beliefs.

    1. It is dear Hope, everytime my children does something wrong, I immediately worry that they will move from His path, but of course I need to just trust Him and know He will never let His children go.

  3. My precious Yvonne, it’s so wonderful to see what our beloved brings into our children’s lives…

  4. Dear Yvonne, it is beautiful to know that He teaches our children, and how you have been guiding them to HIM.
    It will bring many blessings and will bring them even closer to Our Beloved.
    Thank you for this praise.

  5. Thank you for sharing Yvonne, it is amazing that our Beloved not only takes us on this journey, but also our children. One of the most comforting things I have learnt on my journey was that my children have their Heavenly Father and /or Best Friend and that He will do a good work in them.

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