How sweet is His mercy

"You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things". R21

After reading "First to Throw a Stone" from the book Restore Your Relationships, I realized that that facet of perfection that I had as a Pharisee or hypocrite is what contributes to others not getting closer to God, because being sinners We feel unworthy and incapable of being โ€œperfectโ€ or of becoming like the one we see and believe is โ€œperfectโ€ although we often realize that they are not perfect and further distance themselves from God because they believe that HE can not do nothing for His own children.

It is when we look at the beam in our eye and try (in the flesh first) to obey that we realize how difficult it is for us to stay pure WITHOUT God's constant help. I believe that gives us the compassion and mercy to look at our loved ones in sin. However, many times we fall back into this bad pattern of behavior.

I confess that it is easier for me to have mercy when someone who has failed has done it for the first time and regrets it than when it is a repetitive behavior. That's when I tend to judge the person most harshly. But again and again, my Beloved reminds me to forgive up to 70 times 7 the same sin. So in that, I understand the magnitude of His love and forgiveness for my sins as well as my need for Him to forgive those who hurt me.

It impresses me that HE, who is Holy Holy Holy, who is not a single drop or thought of evil in HIM saying โ€œNeither do I condemn youโ€ and we who are sinners dare to throw stones at our brothers, there is pride here too, because we don't are more than HIM to judge and condemn our neighbors.

We often let our minds get caught up in what our husband, son, or daughter are doing (and that's all we talk about with others), staring at the straw in someone else's eye when we should be dealing with our straw daily, looking at our Beloved Lord so that He would give us the grace to obey Him since we cannot even obey on our own since all the glory is His. We are His work and it is He who makes it possible for us to be obedient.

When we forgive we stop remembering the sin, we stop telling it... I remember I had in my mind a list of each of the offenses that had been done to me with every detail and I often went over it in my meditations remembering the details: looks, gestures, words, and every time I remembered it hurt me, then in obedience, I began to take those thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ, and I chose to change my meditation by concentrating on my Beloved, His promises and works in faith. With this, my heart began to purify itself and that list was erased until I no longer remember almost anything about those offenses. Nowadays I try not to look at or meditate on bad things, I better look the other way and keep my heart clean. I choose not to search or inspect my husband or others so that I have nothing to forgive. Although of course, we are human, and sometimes things happen not because we look for them but because they come to us, so my Beloved always reminds me that I need to forgive every day 70 times 7.

I am far from having it all along, but fortunately, my Husband continues to remind me of His principles throughout the lessons. He continues to transform me more and more into His image, which is why I praise and thank Him so much.

4 thoughts on “How sweet is His mercy”

  1. I love this Anastasia because I can relate directly to that and I feel others can too, we want to forgive those who asks us forgiveness but the ones that don’t we feel they don’t deserve it but what about us, we have also fallen, and we are no one to judge the finger comes right back to us for pointing and many times believe we are better because “at least I didn’t do that” But HE tell us
    Romans 3:23
    New Living Translation
    “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of Godโ€™s glorious standard. ”

  2. Thank you, Anastasia, for your testimony. I also used to keep track of the wrong that was done to me, recalling it and using it against my perpetrator. But I have asked my Beloved to forgive me and to help me to forgive in the same way I am forgiven, 70×7 times. He took me on a forgiveness journey to forgive everybody I did not forgive; He gave me a new heart that can look at others with compassion and in an understanding way. We do not know what the person we want to judge or condemn went through, how did their day start or what their current situation is. I am not perfect in any way and will always fall short, but when I find myself going back to that place of looking at other’s sins, I take my though captive and turn it towards my own sins. But by no means I am able to do this in and through myself, I need my Beloved to show His mercy and grace this through me.

    A lesson that really helped me so much on this journey was:

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Anastasia, I remember keeping a diary (I know it’s terrible) with what was done to me, I am so grateful that the Lord stopped me from going on with that. I remember standing by the washing line and thinking about something bad that was done to me and immediately I said out loud I refuse to entertain this thought and immediately told my Darling Husband how I love Him, but I have to admit there are times I entertain it and I have seen just a few seconds entertaining wrong that was done to me is enough to let unforgiveness slip in, but I am so grateful for my Darling Husband’s grace and how He doesn’t leave me the way I am.

  4. Love the way you express it. I while ago I understood that perfectionism is a perilous pit because we can never be perfect or do everything perfectly. Our faults and imperfections point us to Him, who is perfect and loves us just the way we are!
    When I gasp this fact, I can only give grace because I mess up quite often, and He still loves me, so I should reflect this perfect, wide, high, and profound love to everyone!
    This book of Restore Your Relationships helped me through one of the most painful trials of my life, and it gave me His wisdom!

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