New “He Healed Me” chapter from Paula Stone

”I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.β€œ P3413

‭‭It is with great pleasure that I announce, we have a new chapter available in He Healed me from Paula Stone.

The new chapter is called: "Order of Protection" and I urge each of you to read it and be blessed and leave your comments on the page so we know how it has helped you.

Also, consider becoming an Aspiring Author. I am looking for ladies that are willing to test the process out for me so we can see what works.

If you have not already, please read all the chapters available for He Healed Me and let Him start healing you from the inside out.

6 thoughts on “New “He Healed Me” chapter from Paula Stone”

  1. What a beautiful promise you shared precious Yvonne. I love what the Lord does, because just today my Darling said to me to praise, after having a very exhausting day at my outside job and then also reading here this beautiful verse you started with, wow He really is the best! And thank you for sharing this new Chapter.

    1. Thank you Janine. And thank you for reading it and giving feedback on the chapter, it will help with anyone that comes in after you:)

  2. Thank you Yvonne for sharing this chapter.
    Every day I become more in love with all His Love and Protection towards us.πŸ’•

    1. Amazing, isn’t He Marta and thank you for commenting on the chapter as well. It is amazing to see how everyone responds and how He leads each one differently.

  3. El me sano, ha sido una lectura que me ha ayudado a perdonar, a sentirme sanada y siempre me llega al corazon. No sabia que habian mas capitulos, crei que solo los 2 primeros. Y espero poder leerlo todo ahora que se que hay mas capitulos.
    Gracias por anunciarlo.

    He healed me, it has been a reading that has helped me forgive, feel healed and it always touches my heart. I didn’t know there were more chapters, I thought only the first 2. And I hope to be able to read it all now that I know there are more chapters. Thanks for announcing it.

    1. Yes Liza and we hope there will soon be more and that we can get this published into an eBook.

      SΓ­, Liza, y esperamos que pronto haya mΓ‘s y que podamos publicarlo en un libro electrΓ³nico.

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