I have your guarantee and protection

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, β€œand see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. 11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the Lord Almighty." M3:10-11

Dear brides, my desire is through this Praise Report to magnify my Beloved Best Friend for His infinite blessings in my life.

He has been my total provider. He has given me, my daughter, what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, and we are grateful for this, for His immense love. He has supplied all our needs and today I am a worker in the home, to the honor and glory of the Lord! He is wonderful! πŸ₯°

Now I have the opportunity to help my daughter with her schoolwork, I can spend time with Him in my prayer corner, I can wake up early and do the household chores with the dedication and love that my home deserves, because it was my Beloved who gave it to me, inclining my ex-husband's heart to transfer the house to my name, and then I don't have to pay rent, and that is wonderful.

My dears, this promise of Malachi is wonderful, and if we put it into practice, we will certainly be able to obtain His best protection in our lives.

Many things have changed since I started tithing faithfully, everything around me has been transformed. He gave me the peace that I so longed for, gave me work from home, plenty in the pantry, in addition to being the best Father to my daughter and an incredible Husband to me! πŸ™‚

I want to praise Him because He has never let me go without paying the household bills. Every month He has been faithful, and I am sure that all of this is part of my obedience in giving my tithe to my storehouse.

Today my Beloved Best Friend is the Owner of my life, He is my reason for living, and I was talking to Him and thanking Him, talking to Him about everything that has been happening in my heart in these last few days, and I could hear His sweet voice whispering to me through this promise: β€œLooking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith: who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” H122.

I have always been very ashamed of having debts, and I have never liked to buy without the prospect of having money to pay for what I bought, so I try not to get into debt, but the bills for household expenses are inevitable, they arrive, and they arrive every month: water, electricity, gas, internet, and some others. I confess that before, when the end of the month approached, I would get a little apprehensive.

And I confess to you that so many things have happened in the last few years, but I praise Him because I have always had the best Husband, Partner, Father, Lover, Father of our daughter, Friend, Provider, yes, He was and is Everything to me! Because we lacked nothing, nothing... and I never had to be late on any of these bills.

Praise be to my Beloved, because He always takes care of each one of us.

Since I started faithfully returning my tithe, the Lord has taken care of me and helped me more and more, I lack nothing.

My dears, our Husband is wonderful and loves to bless us, but for that He waits for the right moment to use our obedience to fill us with blessings and victories.

He does not fail, He is always faithful!

Be encouraged and blessed!!πŸŒ·πŸ’•

4 thoughts on “I have your guarantee and protection”

  1. how wonderful to read this amazing testimony this morning. That our Love has also provided for you, causing you to lack nothing! Isn’t He wonderful?! I am so encouraged, the past few days I’ve been thinking so much on this topic but reading this, has reminded me to simply rest into His loving arms once again. trust that He will provide everything. I too have lacked nothing, so I shouldn’t be worrying, He will continue to do what He always been doing! thank you !

    1. Thank you dear Rasa for being here, He is the best. Praise be to our God for His immense love and care, we just need to do the right thing and have faith, and He will honor our obedience.
      Much love to you.🌼

  2. Thank you for sharing this beautiful praise report precious Marta, our Beloved Lord is really wonderful. I will never forget when I fasted so that our Beloved Lord will force my children’s father to pay maintenance, and at the end of the fast I didn’t get what I wanted, I got so much more, because He became my Provider and wow He really provides more that I have ever imagined. He really never ever fails.

    1. Thank you, dear Janine, for being here and sharing what He has done in your life too. I feel privileged to be together on this journey of life! His Love and tithing are revolutionary!
      What a privilege it is for us and how much love He bestows upon us!
      Much love to you!.🌼

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