I knew He would take care of everything for us!

โ€œTherefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; how blessed are all who long for Himโ€ (Isaiah 30:18)

Hello, dear friends.

We are almost at the end of January, and it seems like it was just yesterday that at the beginning of the month, worries began to dominate my mind, about how I would buy school supplies, a backpack and shoes for Brincy to go to school. But my Beloved, as always kind and gentle as He is, directed me to reread this chapter Opening the Windows of Heaven, which brings us this beautiful reminder that our Beloved is a God who longs to be gracious to us; He longs to bless us! โ€œTherefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; how blessed are all who long for Himโ€ (Isaiah 30:18). Before coming to RMI, I already tithed, but not in the correct way, having Him as the first in life. And today I am certain that if I had not heard the truth here, from all those who came before and shared it with us, I would have missed out on many blessings from my Beloved Lord. Not all financial blessings, but the one that makes me most radiant is being able to depend on Him for anything I need to do or have. What I have learned is that we must have our Beloved first in our lives in all areas. And that in times of difficulty we must first turn to Him, because when we submit ourselves to Him in everything, He is faithful to bless us! Well, I then took these concerns to my Beloved, telling Him that I trusted Him, and that I knew He would take care of everything for us. Well, and of course He did!!! First He directed me to go to a store that Brincy and I went to last year to look at backpacks, and when we got there, the backpack that Brincy had liked was at a much lower price than expected, and we were able to buy it, and Brincy loved it, because in addition to the good price, this backpack has wheels, which will make it easier for her who carries a lot of materials to school. Then, He inclined my sister's heart to give Brincy sneakers to go to school, and when we got to the store, instead of 1 pair of sneakers, she gave her 2 pairs, because she told Brincy that she should have one pair of sneakers to go to school, and another to play volleyball. Wow, this is a DOUBLE blessing!!! I'm still researching prices for school supplies, but I'm sure He will guide us to what is best. I can only thank our Beloved, who surprises us when we are faithful to Him in our tithes and offerings. I am very grateful that He has invited us to live by His side, while He will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

8 thoughts on “I knew He would take care of everything for us!”

  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful praise report precious Marta. I just love what our Beloved Lord does, He really is the Best Ever Provider. I am forever grateful for RMI for teaching me the importance of tithing, it has changed my life. And I know He is going to guide you with all the school stuff too and you will be back with another testimony, that is just Who He is.

    1. It’s true, dear Janine, He is so wonderful that He not only meets our needs, but goes beyond, granting the desires of our hearts!
      And this week He guided us and we were able to buy the rest of the materials and everything went as He wanted, which was in line with Brincy’s heart too!!! ๐Ÿค—
      Much love and blessings to you and have a great week! ๐ŸŒท

  2. How beautiful, Marta. I am sure that you will find the useful ones that you need because we have the best Husband, and just as He takes care of us, He also provides for our children.
    The tithe is a blessing that brings us closer to Him and opens a window of blessing for us.

    1. Yes, dear Liza, we have so many testimonies from those who trust and give their tithe first, and they can say that tithing has been one of the greatest blessings in our lives!โ€
      Learning about tithing was something that transformed my life and my journey!
      And I can testify even more that last week He guided us and we were able to buy the rest of the materials and everything went as He wanted, which was in line with Brincy’s heart too!!!๐Ÿค—

  3. How beatiful is He to us !! He always is so attentive to our needs and supllying it to us. Wonderful how He touched your sisterยดs heart to bless your daughter double.
    There is a part you mentioned Marta that I really liked and I quote “What I have learned is that we must have our Beloved first in our lives in all areas. And that in times of difficulty we must first turn to Him,”
    We, I , many time had look to Him after trying everything this journey has tought me to look to Him first, put Him first, take everything to Him, He can solve for us and come through.

    1. Oh dear Jewel, that’s true, having our Beloved as First in everything makes all the difference, and since I accepted His invitation to be His bride and understood and started to apply the principle of giving tithes in my storehouse, always doing this first, I can say that nothing has been lacking in our home, He always provides and not just enough to pay the bills and expenses but there is always a treat from Him for me and our daughter ๐Ÿฅฐ

  4. What a beautiful testimony thank you for sharing. I am so encouraged by these Testimonies and am so grateful that this is a place I can come to have faith and hope pumped back into me. I am so happy that your sweet daughter was provided for in such a way!

    1. Thank you for rejoicing with me dear Raza, because for my mother’s heart it is incredible to see how much my beautiful daughter has been so cared for, protected and loved by this wonderful Father that she has. These stories always fill our hearts and encourage us to continue giving everything to Him, the only one who can truly do all things and knows all our intimate needs!

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