β Today's Promise: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness." Jeremiah 31:3
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~ Bernie in Slovakia
Dear sisters,
I give praise to my Love, the last days have been wonderful. My fourth anniversary with my Husband (Heavenly Husband) was coming up and I had been asking Him for weeks in advance what beautiful things He would have in store for us...
I recently watched a show that inspired me to see what shows are on the list in a theater in a town nearby. I came across a ballet performance that I had never been to. It was a world famous classical ballet and I got a huge desire to buy a ticket. Well, it was in another city (I don't have a car) and I didn't want to go to the show alone. I wrote to my sister, who loves going to the theater and has never been to the ballet before. She agreed to go with me. As the days went by, other friends of my sister joined us, who also took care of the transportation \o/, so I bought tickets for everyone.
The performance took place a few days before our anniversary and I was sitting in a beautiful historical building where classical music was playing and dancers were performing enchanting choreography. I enjoyed every minute! Sitting there, in my mind I thanked my Love for blessing me like this, such an expression of love! There were really few men in the audience, but the most amazing man in the world sat next to me (it was probably the only free seat in the theater).
I will tell you about one more gift. When we were in the theater, we smelled a wonderful women's fragrance, my sister and I liked it very much. Well, I couldn't figure out who is wearing that perfume. A few days later I was in a store with my parents when a young lady passed me who had the same scent. I didn't hesitate and asked her what it was called and ordered it right away. The perfume arrived right on the day of our anniversary and after applying it I felt like I was in His arms.
Beloved, it is truly wonderful to live with this Man, it cannot be compared to anything, He loves us so much!
"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness." Jeremiah 31:3
"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.β 1 John 4:16
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