♕ Today's Promise: "I belong to my Beloved, and His desire is for me." Song of Songs 7:10
Come JOIN ONE of our Restoration Fellowship Groups this SUNDAY— with 3
different times to choose from!
~ Ruby in California
Part 2 of My Fast: Day 6 & 7
Day 6 My Love tells me that I measured my worth by the attention my FH (former husband) gave me and I still do. I’ve been looking for signs of change in FH in order to know that I’m letting go and am His Bride. I falsely believed that when I truly let go and become His bride then I would see FH give me attention to affirm my progress like I read in testimonies. I expected to see this happen and never did. He tells me being His Bride is about being so in love with Him that I don’t want or need anything else. It has nothing to do with FH. I should stop looking for a sign to know the Truth—
Don’t seek after signs but let the signs be given to you by the power of the Holy Spirit. Have no expectations on anything. Our expectations only robs us of our blessings.
Even though I don’t want my marriage restored this has hindered me from letting go completely and put a hold on the intimacy with My True Love. I need to believe that I am completely His and He is mine and let go of seeing any signs to prove it or wondering what will happen next. Just move on together with My True Love, keeping Him first.
As much as I thought My Love was first He was not completely. I see now how unfaithful I have been. How can I say- You’re all I want, all I need and all I live for when just yesterday I sent my son, who loves to cook, a recipe for him to make, saying “I need this”! I’ve been lying to myself and to My Love saying He is ALL I need when I caught myself saying I needed food. I didn’t realize there is a part of my heart that doesn’t belong to Him yet. This is where I have been not loving My True Love the way He deserves to be loved.
He’s ALL I want, He’s ALL I need, He’s ALL I live for means I don’t need, want or live for seeing signs or affirmation from FH (former husband) or anyone else and I don’t want, need or live for food for comfort, joy or satisfaction. Only He can fill that void.
Day 7- I never thought I would be able to ever complete a 7 day fast. Actually I did not, it is only with Him that this is possible.
"The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He wishes." Proverbs 21:1
I always saw this verse for FH. But today HH (Heavenly Husband) tells me it’s for me. I want My Love to turn MY heart to Him and only Him and away from everyone else.
“But let him ask in faith without any doubting,…..For let not that man expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” James 1:6–8
For so long I have been double-minded. But He knows what’s in our hearts better than we do. "Would not God discover this? For he knows the secrets of the heart." Psalm 44:21
Day 8 the end of my 7 day fast. I am full of such love and joy. The kind that only My HH (Heavenly Husband) can give me. I have a peace beyond all understanding. Nothing can take it away.
Today I can eat again. Strangely, I don’t want to. I don’t want anything but Him. Everything else is worthless. It’s not important to me anymore. I’m not eager to eat right away like before. I'm not lusting after food. I want to be very careful on how to break my fast. I want to ask My Love when, what and how much I should eat. My Love is faithful to cleanse our hearts and extract things from our thoughts if we ask Him to. Through thanksgiving, prayer and fasting we give all power and glory to Him.
I’m more in love with My HH (Heavenly Husband). I don’t want our time alone to end. I don’t even want this fast to end. My cravings are now for more of My True Love. I remember when I used to cry because I wanted my FH (former husband) but now I cry because I want my time alone with My Love to last forever.
Hallelujah!! PTL \o/
I don’t want to break my fast because I don’t want Our love story to end or change in any way. I love my life that He’s given me, this new heart He’s created in me. He’s everything to me. I need nothing else but Him. I love just being in His Presence. It’s where I belong. I belong with My True Love. I am love sick.
"O God of my life, I’m lovesick for you in this weary wilderness. I thirst with the deepest longings to love you more, with cravings in my heart that can’t be described. Such yearning grips my soul for you, my God! I’m energized every time I enter your heavenly sanctuary to seek more of your power and drink in more of your glory. For your tender mercies mean more to me than life itself. How I love and praise you, God! Daily I will worship you passionately and with all my heart. My arms will wave to you like banners of praise." Psalms 63:1-4
"My Lover belongs to me and I to Him…." Song of Songs 2:16
"I belong to my Beloved, and His desire is for me." Song of Songs 7:10
Please read Part 1 of Ruby's Praise "Empty and Unsatisfied"
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