Join Sunday Study on Living Lesson “Convicted” 🌱

Hi ladies, I was asked to SG and pick a Living Lesson to study for a Fellowship Sunday. Can you all join in on reading Living Lesson β€œConvicted”? Come back here to EW and share what touched you and what you learned in the comment section.

I have learned that a lot of us often feel we need to feel shame like we deserve punishment or to show the Lord how sorry we really are but that is not what He wants. It's common for us to believe that we must experience shame as a form of deserved punishment or to demonstrate our remorse to the Lord. However, this is not aligned with His truth. In challenging times, instead of running away or hiding from God, we should seek refuge in Him. Turning to the source of comfort and truth allows us to experience His love, which has the power to eliminate fear and offer forgiveness for our sins. By focusing on God's love and forgiveness, we can find the strength to overcome shame and walk in freedom.

Can you even begin to imagine the guilt and remorse that Adam and Eve must have felt after they messed up? A perfect world no longer. Because of their sin, everything in the world changed. Sickness, aging, death etc. Thankfully, God is all powerful, and He had a plan even then to redeem His world through His Son, and give us a choice for salvation and eternal life with Him.

β€œConvicted” is one of my personal favorite Living Lessons. It was awakening, teaching me to release shame and guilt. Understanding that guilt does not come from God and that He desires freedom from it was eye opening. Previously, guilt and despair overwhelmed me, leading to isolation and a sense that I will never live up to God’s expectations, taking me farther away from Him. The knowledge that God does not want us to feel this way set me free to let go and embrace a new path with Him.

β€œFor He has dressed me with the garment of salvation, wrapped me with the robe of righteousness.” I6110

"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." J3:17

5 thoughts on “Join Sunday Study on Living Lesson “Convicted” 🌱”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Hope. With this living lesson I learned that I can take all the feelings that I am struggling with, to my Darling Husband and the best part ever is that He knows precisely what to do with all my feelings and I am no more on a route of self-destruction, because He set my free.

    1. Yes, Janine πŸ’• We don’t have to feel ashamed anymore. His words remind us that we’re not alone in our struggles. There’s always hope for healing and change.

  2. Thank you for sharing this lesson Hope. I learned in this lesson that I can get through my emotions with my HH instead of trying to do it on my own. It really made me realize that I tend to shutdown when negative emotions come and then I find myself even more in a mess. But if I choose to take everything all my feelings to Him, then I can be set free of getting caught in a nasty web of negative feelings. I am so thankful for this reminder and the fact that my HH cares so much about my feelings.

    1. Yes, when I figured out that I didn’t have to hang on to guilt, it was such a relief! Guilt doesn’t come from God. It’s awesome that you’re learning to deal with your feelings with your HH instead of trying to figure it all out on your own. Keep staying close to Him. Lots of love! ❀️

  3. Thank you for sharing dear Hope, even if we ask forgiveness we do want to continue carry the burden of shame and condemnation, although we do not have to because our Beloved Husband washes away all our sins as far as the east from the west. Holding on to shame and guilt also gives the enemy something to torture us about. I also used to hold on to guilt and shame, and used to ask forgiveness for the same thing over and over again, thinking that would take the guilt and shame away, but it was in vain because I was already forgiven and I just had to let go of holding on!

    Can’t wait for next week’s lesson, thank you Hope!

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