💔MM: I Need Help in FRA

Please leave some encouragement for this bride who filled out an MEQ "Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire." Before commenting, please remember to:

  1. Speak to your Husband, your Maker, to know what He wants to say to this brokenhearted bride.
  2. Keep it SHORT.
  3. Encourage sharing 1-2 Promises.
  4. Bridge to the course He used to lead you along your Restoration Journey.
  5. Once YOU see a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride, PLEASE copy and paste in a comment:

"Thank you, we have a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED."

After 3 MM Student Comments, please confirm what the ministers are saying by replying beneath their MM Comments. “Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1 Thank you!!

Jeanine Hoareau
I am:
Reunion Island
What language do you speak
I am here:
I am seeking to restore my marriage.
What is your current marital situation?
Married, and my husband lives with me.
Have you read the book “How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage?”
How did you find our ministry?
Very encouraging and rich in emotions
Now please tell us about your situation and why you came to us for help and what has your husband/partner said are the main issues or problems he has with you and your relationship?
I need help because he remains indifferent towards me I had an intramarital relationship because he didn't care about me I asked him for forgiveness later he supposedly forgave me but he has a very big wound that's where I saw that I loved him dearly and I hurt
Please use the space below to simply talk to God, in your own words, opening your heart to Him.
Oh almighty God I invoke your precious blood to deliver me from this taint of the harm that I have caused to my husband I open my sinner's heart to you because I am ashamed of what I have done come and strengthen me because only you can reverse this situation
So that we can serve you more effectively, please check which concerns apply to you:
Fallen into adultery, need help.
Finally, please choose how you would like us to conduct your marriage assessment from the choices below.
Publish your Public Questionnaire on Encouraging Women. Example
Île de la Réunion
Quelle langue parlez-vous
Je suis là:
Je cherche à restaurer mon mariage.
Quelle est ta situation conjugale actuelle?
Mariée, et mon mari vit avec moi.
Avez-vous lu le livre "Comment Dieu peut et va restaurer votre mariage?"
Comment avez-vous trouvé notre ministère ?
Très encourageant et riche é émotions
Maintenant, veuillez nous parler de votre situation et pourquoi vous êtes venu nous demander de l'aide et qu'est-ce que votre mari/partenaire a dit comme étant les principaux problèmes ou problèmes qu'il a avec vous et votre relation ?
J ai besoin d aide car reste indifférent envers moi j ai eu une relation intra conjugale car il ne faisait pas cas de moi je lui ai demandé pardon par la suite il m à soit disant pardonné mais il a une très grosse blessure c est la que j ai vu que je l aimais énommément et j ai mal
Veuillez utiliser l'espace ci-dessous pour simplement parler à Dieu, dans vos propres mots, en lui ouvrant votre cœur.
Oh dieu tout puissant j invoqué ton sang précieux pour me délivrer de cette souillure du mal que j ai causé à mon mari j ouvre mon cœur de pêcheur a toi car j ai honte de ce que j ai fait viens me fortifier car toi seul peux renversé cette situation
Afin que nous puissions vous servir plus efficacement, veuillez vérifier quelles préoccupations s'appliquent à vous :
Tombé dans l'adultère, besoin d'aide.
Enfin, veuillez choisir comment vous souhaitez que nous procédions à votre évaluation de mariage parmi les choix ci-dessous.
Publier votre questionnaire Public sur Encourager les femmes. Exemple

4 thoughts on “💔MM: I Need Help in FRA”

  1. Chère Jeannine,

    Je tiens à vous dire que c’est le Seigneur qui vous a guidé ici. Sur ce site vous aurez toute les ressources nécessaires pour commencer votre processus de restauration.

    Tout d’abord , j’aimerais vous dire que vous devez tout d’abord rechercher la face de votre mari Céleste. Lui, il ne vous abandonnera jamais.
    Soyez dédié à lui, entrer en prière et jeûner si nécessaire. Parlez lui et devidez vous à lui.
    Ensuite, lâchez prise sur votre mari terrestre. Dieu fera le reste.

    Je vais vous conseiller de lire le livre de la femme sage, vous allez apprendre à gérer votre ménage selon le principe de l’évangile.

    Ensuite, les cours en ligne. A la première leçon “Restauration”

    Je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage et de force. Puiser vos forces en l’Éternel et n’ayez crainte.
    Le chemin ne sera pas facile mais c’est un très beau voyage qui va commencer avec votre seul et unique mari Céleste.

    Dear Jeannine,

    I want to tell you that it is the Lord who has guided you here. On this site you will have all the resources you need to begin your restoration process.

    First of all, I would like to tell you that you must first seek the face of your Celeste husband. He will never abandon you.
    Be dedicated to him, enter into prayer and fast if necessary. Talk to him and talk to him.
    Then let go of your earthly husband. God will do the rest.

    I will advise you to read the book of the wise woman, you will learn to manage your household according to the principle of the gospel.

    Then, online courses. At the first lesson “Restoration”

    I wish you lots of courage and strength. Draw strength from the Lord and do not be afraid.
    The path will not be easy but it is a very beautiful journey which will begin with your one and only husband Céleste.


    1. Dear Jeannine,
      As you face Godly remorse for the pain in your marriage and home. I pray God would bring peace and healing little by little in your heart as you Seek Him to renew your mind.

      if you have not gotten the book, I encourage that as well ad the “It was me.” Further, please continue to pray the Lord would show you your own heart towards your earthly husband.
      Day to Day as you walk in and through this you are not alone. I encourage you to take every thought captive and submit it to the Lord.

      There is not an easy pathway but worth our obedience to the Lord

  2. Dear Jeannine,
    Oh what pain you must feel in your heart, it is so difficult when we discover the mistakes we have made. We carry a great burden of guilt, especially when we see the damage it has caused.

    I am grateful that you dare to share and be open about your weaknesses. I want to encourage you with the texts below from His Word

    John 3:17-18:
    For God sent not the Son into the world to judge the world; but that the world should be saved through him. 18He that believeth on him is not judged: he that believeth not hath been judged already, because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God.

    2 Corinthians 12: 9 And he hath said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my power is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    I was also reminded of a Life Lesson I read a while ago. I would like to share this lesson with you.

    Dear Jeannine, pour out your heart to Him, He listens to you when you speak, then be quiet and then let Him talk, He will encourage you with His words and you will experience His love.

  3. “Bedankt, we hebben drie reacties die \o/\o/\o/ deze bruid steunen. Deze sessie is nu GESLOTEN.”
    “Thank you, we have three comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED.”

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