Nothing Catches The Lord Off Guard

After reading Facing Divorce Again - Chapter 1 I was reminded that even if you didn't plan the divorce, no matter how badly the divorce caught you off guard, that the Lord still has everything under control.

My precious friend and I have the habit, when something goes wrong, to remind each other that it didn't catch the Lord off guard. So precious dearest bride did you just find out that there is another woman in your husband's life or did your husband move out into his own place or did he move in with the other woman or was a divorce filed or did the divorce go through, maybe you can answer to more than one yes or maybe it doesn't even have to do with your marriage and it has to do with your children... well I am here to remind you that nothing caught the Lord off guard and nothing can catch Him off guard, He still has everything under control!

Please read these passages quoted from the book Facing Divorce-Again:

Though this may not have been your idea or your plan, trust that the Lord has it in complete control even though you feel someone else may beβ€”like your spouse, the β€œenemy” or the other woman or other man in your spouse’s life. But God says differently… β€œThe mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps” (Prov. 16:9).

So now there is no more need to worry, fret, or even for you to feel badly about what’s up ahead. He told me to tell you that your future looks bright!

β€œβ€˜For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, β€˜plans for welfare [wellbeing, happiness, goodness, and safety] and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope’” (Jer. 29:11).

4 thoughts on “Nothing Catches The Lord Off Guard”

  1. I did not read and journal Facing Divorce in the time l went thru my divorce but looking back l know that it would have been a really huge blessing. Im so glad you shared Jaine and i trust that He will send women that are suffering goin g thru divorce to know these truths that will set them free πŸ™Œ

    1. Yes precious Atarah, I also know it would have been a blessing if I had read it when I went through my divorce years ago, but reading it now I also know it is the right time because I was so stubborn years ago.

  2. It is so comforting to know that no matter what happens, and how unexpected it was, nothing caught our Beloved off guard and therefore we can rest in the fact that He has it under control and has an amazing plan that will unfold in His appointed time.

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