physical healing: Do not keep inside your negative feelings; tell it to the Best One

Sweet ladies, I have sometimes problem with my muscles on my back. One part of them jumps out from the correct place and it is very painful. When someone makes a little massage on that part, it gets correct again and in few days or hours I have no pain. It has happened this week to me again. We live with 3 small children, so I asked my husband to make the massage as he was the only one able to do it, but he said no. We are after restoration but my eh is still far away from Lord, so I have to turn to my Beloved and He always amaze me.

Well, firstly I was surprised and politely tried to explain that it really hurts, I can move very well and the massage always helped me. But his other answer was no, getting to arguing. So I just let it go and went to give children into bed. When they felt asleep I cried and cried to my Beloved from the physical and emotional pain. It really broke me. I cried to Him very openly. Something like this: β€žYou know my Dear, how it hurts, How he could do it? Honestly I just cannot believe that he let me in that physical suffering when he could easily help. You are Lord of rightfulness? What is right on this? I am angry and I need your help to do not fell this anger towards my eh. When you will do with him something? I know that you have it under control, but why?”... and then I felt asleep. I was not able even to look for some healing verses because I was so broken.

BUT ladies, you know what? I had beautiful dreams that night and woke up with no pain, really no pain!!! AMEEN!! Even more my children slept that night one hour longer than normally, so I could take better rest!!!! You know, firstly I was very angry at my eh, but now I am thankful for that, because He just used him to show me His power and help even with such things!!! And my faith groooooow so much!!! Ladies, never keep inside the negative feelings you feel, speak to Him, tell Him honestly how you feel from what has happened. He always listens and heals minimum your spirit!!! Much love Anissa πŸ™‚

9 thoughts on “physical healing: Do not keep inside your negative feelings; tell it to the Best One”

  1. Dear Anissa,

    thanks for yet sharing a situation from your life. Every time I am encouraged by your testimony. Our Heavenly Beloved πŸ’ž is certainly the only one from Whom we can expect our help with certainty. He will always help us if we ask Him. His care, love and strength are always available. I am glad that He gave you His peace with beautiful dreams, took away the pain and took care of your children, like a loving Husband πŸ₯°.

    [17] The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.

    1. yes, my dear Kristine, He is amazing!!! thank you for the comment, I can still feel from your reply your smile πŸ˜€ like I sow first time during the zoom meeting πŸ€—πŸ’πŸŒΊ big huge to Holand from Slovakia 😘

  2. Dear Anissa, I also have this kind of situation when I go to the eartly husband for help and He always asks me, why I didn’t ask Him first – I guess that we are restored or live with our husbands, it sounds so natural, to go to them, doesn’t it? But it’s exactly the ditch we can fall … and I am sure that we all prefer to only fall in love with our Heavenly Husband, who is longing for us and wants that we also long for Him, and Him alone!
    Thank you for letting us know how precious He was with you healing you and giving you this special time with rest!
    While reading what you shared, I was thinking of this wonderful lesson that is a “must read” to every single, married, divorced, restored woman ❀️‍πŸ”₯

    1. yes my dear Paula, thank you for the lessonπŸŒΊπŸ’πŸ€— sometimes it is for me hard to live but He is teaching me that very patiently πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‰ big huge to you my dear πŸ˜˜πŸŒΊπŸ’

  3. yes my dear Paula, thank you for the lessonπŸŒΊπŸ’πŸ€— sometimes it is for me hard to live but He is teaching me that very patiently πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‰ big huge to you my dear πŸ˜˜πŸŒΊπŸ’

  4. Dear precious Anissa, thank you for sharing this beautiful praise and how our Darling Lord allowed your eh to say no, because then you had the chance to ask the Healer of all and He did what He always does, He does not Disappoint.

    1. yes my dear Janine, well I hope that in marriage wifes can ask also eh for help, because it is correct…but in case there is that NO ;))) there is the reason to argue or be sad, because it is oportunity to run to Him because He prepared better solution πŸŒŸπŸŒΊπŸ’

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