Playing Games Won’t Work

After reading Facing Divorce Again - Chapter 5 I learned that playing games won't work. I wish I had read this years ago, let met explain with an example out of my own life:

Years ago when my husband left me I was so desperate and I have to admit I thought it would work to make him jealous. So when he came to pick up our son, I made sure that he saw the suitcase (an empty suitcase by the way) in the trunk of my car and pretended that I was going away for the weekend (yes I played a game) and yes it upset him but that's all it did, it didn't bring him back and I have to admit I only hurt myself because when he drove off I had to go back into the house with that same empty suitcase.

Please read this passage quoted from the lesson Facing Divorce-Again, Chapter 5:

It willΒ notΒ work, however, but will backfire, if you are playing games. Many people will tell you toΒ pretendΒ you are involved with someone else or something stupid like that. Playing games is also deceptive, and God will not be mocked.

So precious dearest bride don't play a game and think you are going to achieve something with it. Make our precious Lord your everything and He will do the rest.

"Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun." P37:4-6Β 

6 thoughts on “Playing Games Won’t Work”

  1. Thank you Janine, I actually remember you telling me that story once over a cup of coffee. Thanks to you, I was able to talk to Him very early on in my journey and He showed me to enjoy every weekend I have alone with Him. What that did was that I started to get excited when it was time for the children to leave for the weekend and I knew I was spending my weekend with Him. Thank you for reminding me.

    1. This was also such a huge reminder to me precious Yvonne, because if I had spent my weekends with my Darling I know my life would have been so different but I again I am so grateful for my Darling Husband’s grace, that He changed it all around and that I can now spend my time with Him (because my children are both away now and I am not lonely because I have Him) and I can tell other precious brides what not to do out of my own mistakes.

  2. Janine thank you for sharing! Our flesh is truly deceitful, before I met the Lord as my Heavenly Husband and my everything, I remember playing games to get my husbandΒ΄s attention, and as the chapter says, every time they backfire!
    The best way to eliminate that need to do something is to go to the Lord, and let Him change us inside out!
    This Living Lesson was an eye opener for me too: wLL 34 β€œHover”:
    Love to see how our Beloved changes our hearts and fill them with joy πŸ’•

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Isabella, yes the best is to go to our Darling Lord and allow Him to change us (and I remember now how I tried to even change myself but couldn’t do it, He is the only One that can change us). I just love Him!!!

  3. So relatable. I remember telling my EH about the guys who were messaging me or trying to talk to me all the time, in hopes he would get jealous and change his mind. oh dear. I am so so soooo grateful I’m not longer in that place πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰πŸ₯°

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