RADD Anniversary Logo


We have our winners!!
⭐️⭐️Congratulations to Adina and Hope Darling

RMI Anniversary Logo Designs

We still are looking for designs for 34 years and 35 years – – and more RADD designers


Passcode: 7h!ep+%i


Adina recorded this VIDEO for you.

Isabella recorded this VIDEO for you.

Anastasia recorded this VIDEO for you in Spanish.

REMEMBER we will select ONE for all years 3 years: 33, 34 & 35

If you have a logo you wish to ENTER into our contest—Submit YOUR logo in a comment. https://encouragingwomen.org/2-new-radd-anniversary-logo-entries/

SIMPLY share the link to your YouTube video or Google document and also explain your design.

Your design MUST include and highlight the RMI lady logo—the fish symbol, broken when turned, resembles a woman with arms held in praise. https://rmiou.com/mc1/

You can DRAG the logo to your desktop from the top of https://restoreministriesinternational.com/, or a larger version is on https://restoreministriesinternational.com/rmi-large-logo/ on your phone. It’s even easier by pressing on the logo and choose to save

We agreed to keep the RMI Anniversary LOGO contest going until we find the ideal logo for years: 33, 34 & 35

Watch these to learn how. FYI, the tent theme, though it goes along with the promise

2023 EYT “ENLARGE Your Tents”


Next month we are excited to announce a Logo Design Contest—designing an RMI Anniversary Logo for the next 3 YEARS:

33 Years

34 Years

35 Years

The prize will include RMI using your design, replacing our current design (which I absolutely LOVE btw!!)—but also, other LMFs could potentially select your logo design for their website ministries—so theoretically, we could have dozens of winners a d designs selected.

RMI will award $100 cash to the logo chosen for each year—plus a coveted design position with RADD and offer you a teaching position as an instructor (courses, training, and workshops) on RMIOU once we end the Sabbatical.

Be sure to read over the details—then mark your calendar for Valentine's Day, Tuesday, February 14th, when you can officially enter and participate. But don't wait to get started on your design or learn more or even post some praise about your design ideas and possibly find others who will want to design with you.

WHO KNOWS? GOD KNOWS... this could lead to many more design opportunities, learning how to do our ever-growing book designs needed for publishing. WITH GOD— the sky is NOT the limit—it's just the beginning of working with Him!

31 Anniversary

43 thoughts on “RADD Anniversary Logo”

  1. So it seems I am the first to comment… crickets? Or is everyone hopefully speaking to their husbands about it?
    I’m here to boast about my weaknesses because now I’m wondering if I failed to wait and get input from our two RADD Team members who I absolutely love working with! I have reached out to both Sara and Anastasia letting them know that I was heading here asking them to join the conversation.
    So if you have questions or comments, I hope you will join in. I’ll come back and have a look tomorrow or maybe even earlier if my husband leads me back.
    Maybe this is one of those “hope against all hope” situations where I’ll still believe and SINPLY trust HIM for HIS PLAN to unfold.

    “Enlarge the site, the place of your tent, stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, stretch wide, build an addition, do NOT HOLD BACK, SPARE NO EXPENSE![even at the expense of looking foolish or being slapped again] Lengthen your ropes and drive your stakes, your pegs, in deep, firmly in the SOLID ground. “ I542


    1. Oh my!!! This is soo exciting!!! I have been working in RADD for a couple of years now, and He gave me so much passion, I would never imagine that I would have learned what I did. Ladies is such a joy to be part of this team working together with the ladies and creating beautiful Logos and covers! This is such an incredible opportunity, every time we work on the designs for RADD He takes us to the next level, we are constantly learning, and the best of it is to work with Him side by side.

      I would like to encourage you who have the heart to design, to join RADD, and let He use your life to create.

      I look forward with excitement and joy, hoping to see the Brides He will bring to RADD \o/\o/\o/

    2. This is very exciting!!! Who but God alone gives us the talents and abilities to carry out whatever task it is His will to do? It was just today that He told me that He did not give David the project and the skills to direct the construction project of the Temple of God because He had it destined for Solomon and how beautiful His Temple was in the end, it was made taking care of each one of the details, in a precise and extraordinary way that represents Him.

      So I am excited about what He will do!! At this time, only He knows if it is His plan for me to participate or not in this project 🙏🏻. I will be pleased to see so many Brides participating!! And to be blessed as a ministry with the talents that my Husband has given you and to learn all together through RMIOU!

      I encourage all those who feel their Husband calls them to participate in this project to join and work with Him in developing this precious task. May they be blessed with more design talent, and may their creativity increase to 101%

      Lots of love!!

      1. Anastasia, I hope you’re planning on designing several. We’ve offered Sara the NRPH LMF but for the other two branches, RADD and EFM, she will need someone to head that up and I always envisioned YOU for RADD.

          1. Leave it to Anastasia to provide so many choices that I can hardly make my mind up!! It’s like trying to choose your favorite chocolate 🍫 or ice cream 🍨 flavor 😂😂

            Each one is so inspirational and is packed with meaning.

            In our RADD meeting that I will speak to my husband about bringing out into the light 🕯️ Anastasia was mentioning about ranking the designs by likes and by certain merits. This flew way over my head hahaha 😝 because as I am happy to say, “ God has chosen the FOOLISH to confound the wise” and before needing to ask Him He reminded me that this is my/our anniversary gift 💝 from him and that yesterday in a meeting with Yvonne we agreed that Adina’s design was exactly what I never could have dreamed was more perfect. In the moment, I said that my husband reminded me, as a confirmation, that it will remind me that at this exact moment in time, I am living so close to the Disney parks that I hear their fireworks 💥 every night. 🤩 so it will always remind me of being on a continual vacation on my/our 33rd anniversary whenever I look at our anniversary logo.
            CONGRATULATIONS to Adina for her design.

            ⭐️⭐️⭐️ NOW we can focus on designing and choosing our 34th anniversary and our 35th anniversary logo design!!!⭐️⭐️⭐️

  2. What a joy 💞🙏🙏 to have a contest in our ministry, I imagine that there are many brides with this ability and it is a moment for them to show their designs and talent given by him together with their Husband 💞💞💞

  3. Regarding the contest, I would like to know, because I don’t know anything about design, for example, how did you separate the symbol that means, otherwise I’m wrong, Erin with her hands raised to be able to start using it

    1. You asked about the RMI logo and thought you and other readers may be interested in this. It’s one of our ministry commitments

      To begin let’s begin with the green RMI logo, the single woman that Erin’s son, Dallas, created for her—a unique gift just from him—when the branch Encouraging Woman began.

      Did you notice, if turned sideways, that it’s actually the Christian fish or Ichthys, which is today still the symbol of Christianity? It was used when it was too dangerous to let anyone know you were a “follower of Christ” so they would draw this symbol in the dirt to let someone know who they believed was also one of His followers.

      So Erin’s oldest son, Dallas, turned the symbol and by inserting the dot, the fish became a woman, Erin, praising the Lord. He also purposely left the fish broken, as a sign of what his mother had gone through, also showing that we need to lift our hands in praise to Him even and especially during our valleys of brokenness.

      Later on, it explains a few more of the story and significance of the different logos— which is probably the perfect start to this contest!! Wow, thank you so much for asking Katherine 🤗 God used you to lay a better foundation. Sara and Anastasia, let’s make a mental note and ask her husband to remind us that whenever we’re beginning a new logo we go back here and read it and share it.
      Without reading through everything, I’m sure we don’t have some of our newer logos and their significance like hopeatlasts.com and the bouquet 💐 of the five fold ministry.

  4. Yupiiii!!! I hope you all get excited and start designing!! Doing logos looks exciting!!!! Please start desinging!!

  5. I can believe how fast the time passes by and see the Anniversary coming. This is a huge opportunity to work on design and let our Husband show us interesting things we are not aware of yet but He will be able to open. I can’t wait to see the results of this !

    1. You linked it absolutely perfectly, Hope. I simply love it a design I would never have imagined, and now I see much much more than I ever dreamed . When my husband led me to post this wild, out of the box, outside my comfort zone – – of all things a CONTEST 😂 I have course went along with it, because who am I to question Him?

      Now looking at your design and once more of our LMFs come in to take a look, I see that your design might be exactly what would fit their ministry!! at first I thought hope at lasts but then seeing the bride maybe it’s love at last. What’s beautiful is that it can be their decision as the LMF owner. 🥳🥳🥳🥳

      Being an instructor for RADD not necessarily because I’m a designer myself, but after working with designers, I will no doubt discuss your design with my Husband in order to coach you and elevate what you’ve already submitted. Even without any changes whatsoever, it’s absolutely stunning!!

      This is very exciting… I will be back!!

      UPDATE: my husband, let me too look at our RADD TEAM because I thought I remembered your picture. https://the-praise-report.com/radd-team/ but the names are different. Since we know you, as, hope, it would be wonderful if you could update your profile, so they match. I’m hoping that more will venture out and join RADD.

      1. UPDATE 2: my husband pointed out that it was my wording that I have since corrected explaining that the RMI logo must be present in the design— what she use for good, because I instantly saw the one concern I had was immediately remedied.
        If you would replace the cross with the logo, which is the symbol of our Beloved’s ministry, while on earth, rather than the heartbreaking means, and path, He was asked to travel. Additionally, the reason we don’t emphasize this symbol is because we minister to Muslims, Hindus, and some who were raised Jewish who are still healing from there understanding, and fear of the cross.
        Once again, I see this as an enormous blessing and how He’s used this for good. Already I can envision your design with the logo, the fish symbol, broken when turned, resembles a woman with arms held in praise. https://rmiou.com/mc1/

      2. If I’m understanding correctly , take the cross away and replace it with the “lady” upside down christian fish symbol? I will go work on that shortly and see how it turns out. 😁

        1. As the client, working with dozens of designers over 32 years, I wasn’t sure how to do this in the context of a CONTEST. Following His lead, this was easy to do.
          This is shared with everyone, not just you.
          NOTE that clients need to see their sample or prior designs to compare, this will also help you to make necessary changes to your design before presenting it.
          Ultimately, RADD wants to help each designer work with clients OUTSIDE of RMI so we can give you recommendations and great reviews, besides, when you show your previous designs for US, they can be linked and used to possibly open up the truth for them.

            1. Hope, I was eager to return here after my Husband told me His plans for you and RADD and this contest.
              First, CONGRATULATIONS—you’ve also won, and rather than runner up—it’s a much more prestigious, a sort of honorary because we absolutely fell in LOVE with your design. https://restoreministriesinternational.com/rmi-anniversary-logo-designs/
              This also comes with a cash prize AND what we hope you’ll covet much more—an apprenticeship position with RADD working with our current RADD Team.
              They’re about to work on book covers (which can be quite lucrative outside RMI hahaha) You can join the conversation here https://the-praise-report.com/new-book-cover-for-the-lng-project/
              I’m not sure if Adina or Anastasia can have you join them in zoom to watch them work or if they’ll be recording the process for you to learn. That will be there call…but I do hope you’ll consider and accept this opportunity!!

              1. I am just now seeing this reply. I for some reason do not get notifications if someone replies?? I just happened to be on love at last and seen the design on the site and thought to come here and look.

                I am ecstatic and would love an opportunity. If it’s His will, it will happen. I will go over to TPR in the morning (it’s midnight here) and join that conversation. 😃🥰

  6. Que maravilloso es él! Estoy tan emocionada por esto del concurso 🤩 y me encanta tu promesa Erin, el también me la dió a principios de año, y la confirmo en G427 que dice algo similar a I542

      1. Adina for whatever reason when I open your document from my phone. All I see is letters running down the page 🫣 when I’m on my phone. Maybe you can fix this, so everyone can see your design as you work on it.

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