WELCOME to our RMI Translation Team!!
We are so excited YOU have joined us!!

Our Translation History
God has been using volunteers to translate our books since 2001 when the Assemblies of God did our Como Dios Puede y ya Restaurar Su Matrimonio, our Restore Your Marriage book in Spanish.
Since that time God has done AMAZING things, as you can see how HE has been—using women just like YOU— to take their God-given skills and talents to minister to women around the world!! "I’m setting you up as a light for the nations so that my salvation becomes global!"
First, we know you are excited to get started—we are excited too! We promise that your short WAIT to hear from us and to get your first assignment from our Translation Team will be worth the wait. We don’t want to wear you out by translating something that’s already been done—but something that we will USE, not just a test. 🙂
Secondly, we don’t want you to translate something incorrectly, nor do too much. Here's what He's shown us that works really well.
- We ask that you simply translate just ONE chapter our Translation Team has emailed to you, then
- When it's done simply SEND the chapter back.
- Then simply wait for us to review and send you the next chapter.
- If at any time you have any questions regarding translating, you can simply email: LNG@NRP.ORG
Here's a bit more for you to know:
Sometimes the books and lessons we have done translators want to redo because the dialect that's translated was done in a different country. For example, one of our translators was French Canadian, yet our two main books, Restore Your Marriage, and Wise Woman books were translated by a woman living in Switzerland, but she was originally from French Ghana.
Each part of the world has a unique way of speaking and writing its language but rather than redo what He has allowed us to get translated, we press forward and focus on what's still unfinished.
“Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press forward ...forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on forward toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God...”
Thankfully once it’s translated, the dialect won’t matter too much since most of the books are Scripture, copied right from the Bible, which doesn’t need to be translated at all! Instead, we use several online Bible websites like BibleGateway.com and especially YouVersion—which is where RMI Invests each month!
- If you see your language is NOT listed on our website 🤩 WOW, we are even more excited! The way every new language begins is by asking you to TRANSLATE just ONE chapter of a book (normally How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage or the men's Restore Your Marriage if you're a male) or a short lesson. **This is basically how we conduct our online interview.
- If we already have our main book RYM translated, we'll assign you the next important resources that need to be translated. And oftentimes the easiest way is to work in a Google Document, which allows for collaboration.
- If you have access to Microsoft Word and you are able to translate in that format, that’s also a great format! If neither works, you can simply email what you’ve translated to LNG@NRP.ORG, Translations@NRPH.ORG
- We ask you to translate one paragraph, just below the English, then move to the next and the next. When possible, we ask that you always keep the same bold or italics making sure the same words Erin chose to stand out the way she intended.
. - Please do NOT translate any of the Bible verses. Instead, go to BibleGateway.com or Yourversion.com to see if your language is represented, if not, search for an online version of the Bible in your language. Then simply copy and paste the verse into the document.
What happens after I submit my translated work?
When the translation of the book or lesson is complete, it will pass through the proofread process (unless this is a new language). The proofreader will either remove the English after the translation has been checked or leave it in a smaller grey font like this fun VNM page in Turkish. If you look at the very bottom, you'll see why.
So, as you translate be sure you do NOT remove the English, simply translate after each paragraph.
Not ignorant of the enemy's schemes.
Lastly, though translating our books and website to your language seems so exciting–get ready for opposition!! The enemy will try and bring all sorts of things to stop you from the work the Lord has called you to do. In Nehemiah 4 when he was attempting to rebuild the temple, Nehemiah faced a lot of opposition and how to overcome it. So take a moment to click on Nehemiah 4 and gain inspiration from it. We also have found over the years ways to avoid some of the enemy's common schemes, that 2 Corinthians 2:11 says we are not to be ignorant about.
ONE is to stay united, part of a 3 Cord. So if your language is new and doesn't have any team members, we will pair you with other solo ministry team translators!
The second is to submit ongoing praise! God inhabits the praises of His people—therefore, when you continually praise Him, the enemy won't stick around!
The third is to translate what YOU are most passionate about! After we have the ministry basics—primarily the book you probably read and what helped you How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage then we provide you an entire candy store of opportunities. We literally call it our 🌎 Translation 🍰 🍭🍫SWEET SHOP and say— "Choose your Passion"!!
I have to say that this was the best time of my restoration journey ever when I was translating RYM and WW, I have those times right in front of my eyes now and deep in my heart. I hope that women will follow His calling and will experience the same happiness, the same closeness, and a better understanding of all principles which are changing our lives. Because nothing is better than to read it in our mother language. ~Amalia
Wow!! Reading this has actually encouraged me as well. I also felt that I was not capable of translating but just like each of you I felt led to offer my assistance. It actually helped my relationship with my Mom because I asked her to help me proofread the RYM in Spanish for the paperback. She left my Dad about 15 years ago for an OM (another man) but in the last couple of years, it appears God is working on restoring their marriage!! She now will say things like “the (RYM) book said….”. It is amazing the way He works :). ~ Gina