The faithfulness of my Husband

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." P3:5‭-‬6

Hi ladies, so l said that l would come back to share my praise. So much has happened since l said farewell to you last week.

When l spoke to Him about leaving the ministry as an LMF l was concerned because l was going to have my mother come live with us too... So l asked Him how would we take care of her too besides everything else?

Can l tell you that He comforted me and gave me peace when l asked Him what was l going to do? It was the same peace and assurance He gave me when l spoke to Him about going through my divorce. Basically telling me it would happen but that it would be OK. How ok? I had absolutely no idea.. But that is why l needed to not lean on my own understanding.

My Husband knows without a doubt that l do not want to go back into the working world.. He put in my mind to speak to my eh about starting a business.. When l first asked him he shot me down then a few hours later spoke about clothing and apparel for fishing as where we live its very expensive and theres not much to do so many spend a lot of time on the beach as it gets very hot in summer and many fish for a hobby.

He led me and l was able to register our company last week with His guidance πŸ™Œ and He reminded my eh of his uncle who works for a company that produces clothing for many of our big chain stores.

I mentioned to eh that l would like to pay tithes from the business and he assured me that l could as l would be doing the admin and finances anyway. So l know that l dont have to worry about this business because He will protect it from the devourer.

β€œAnd I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,” Says the Lord of hosts;" M 3:11

Its early days yet so im sure l will be back to post more praise.

One last praise l would like to share is that l wanted to buy a new bible to start my new journey with Him and l was checking online. When l asked Him He showed me to 1st check at the christian bookstore and bargain books in our mall. The christian bookstore closed business and so when l went to bargain books l was really surprised to find a whole display of beautiful and stunning bibles. And then when l asked Him which one He showed me the bible for me. A beautiful creative bible. So now im really enjoying my time with my Husband and His been speaking to me through His word whenever l ask Him things ❀️

11 thoughts on “The faithfulness of my Husband”

  1. I have tears in my eyes!! This is such amazing praise!!! Thankyou for sharing how He is leading you and your family! I canΒ΄t wait to read more praises about your new business!! Praise Him always!!

    1. He truly is so faithful Isabella πŸ˜ƒ He takes really good care of us ❀️ i cant wait to see what else He has in store for us to come share 😊

  2. Ataraaaaaaaah, thank you so much for this praise….I see that you are really ok!!! and you are the first one (except me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚) who left from active work with this ministry and post the praise…thank you, thank you, thank youuuuu!!!! please come back and post anytime He leads youuuuu!!!! much love from slovakia πŸŒŸβ€οΈπŸŒŸπŸ˜˜πŸ’ƒ

    1. Thank u Annisa πŸ’–πŸ˜‚ l was really unsure about coming to share at 1st but we cannot withhold the praise due to Him πŸ™Œ l will my dear ❀️

  3. Atarah, how exciting. It’s amazing to watch Him guide you on a new journey. Thank you for coming to share. πŸ’•

  4. Wow, Atarah!! How encouraging!!! I am very excited about the new journey and business that you are undertaking in this new stage with Him, How beautiful how HE is solving everything for you. It inspires me so much! It is wonderful to see that although He closes some doors he opens new ones for you. He shows me that we must keep in mind that he is the one on whom we depend. And like Anissa I am happy to read a testimony from one of the ladies who served as her ministers (in addition to her). I hope to read more praises from you.

    1. Thank u Anastasia you both encouraged me that l was doing the right thing in coming to share praise because like you say HE is the one we depend on so He deserves the praise πŸ’

  5. Dear Atarah, it is so lovely to read your praise, I am excited for you with your new journey, may our Darling just bless you. And I can’t wait to read more praises what will be on the way.
    ‘β€œThe LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you.

  6. Oh Atarah thank you so much for sharing!! Our HH is so amazing and I can’t wait to hear how He is going to help you on your new journey and all the doors He is going to open for you! This is so exciting!!

    “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8

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