The subject of purity for our children

I was asking my Husband today how can l give when l dont earn any income? He showed me to give by giving my time to journal, completing my courses to become a MM, and now HE showed me to give by sharing the “Wedding Clothes” and my heart on this very important subject of purity for our children.. There is a version for boys as well that l hope to share with my son in a couple of years πŸ™

I shared the story with my daughter 2 years ago, l am thankful that she will be 17 this month and has never had a boyfriend and still shows no interest. As a mom l pray that she continues to keep herself pure in body and spirit πŸ™

What l shared in my journal is as follows:

This as well as “Rivers of Life are two very important resources to read or share with your kids. Especially when its the time that your speak to your HH about the timing of ‘the talk’ about the ‘birds and the bees’ and ‘intimacy’ with your son or daughter. Only your HF knows best for your children and HE placed in His word the importance of staying pure for marriage.

He knows everything and knows what is best for our children and that is why HE put it in His word. Sex is something that is so important when it comes to their emotions and can leave so many scars in their lives if experienced outside the boundaries and safety of marriage.

We have the chance as parents to make the difference early in our childrens lives by speaking to them about the importance of staying pure in a caring way and explain things lovingly towards them. Its important to explain WHY and not just say things to your kids like “i dont want you coming here pregnant” or “don’t make me a grandma i am far too young!!”. Things said in derogatory ways…

When explained lovingly and this story is shared can make ALL the difference!

8 thoughts on “The subject of purity for our children”

  1. Wonderful to hear that He showed you how to give with no income. πŸ’• Thank you for giving to us and sharing the links! I am glad that He is leading your daughter to be pure in body and spirit.

    1. Thank you hope, both are great and l enjoyed reading them. It made me reflect back over my life and also see how He protected me and where l made so many wrong choices due to lack of knowledge which is something we can give our kids.

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Atarah, I loved reading β€œRivers of Lifeβ€œ and I had wished that I had read it at a young age because I can really say that if your canoe has been patched it is a very rocky ride and yes it does leak, like mine did over and over, but I am so grateful for my Darling Husband taking over because I couldn’t steer my canoe anymore and He took over. I know now it was my Darling that orchestrated it that I live with my parents so that He can bring total healing between me and my parents because I was rebellious after school and even after my divorce.

    1. Me too Janine!! Wow its amazing and such a blessing to stil have parents abd even the opportunity to do things over differently. He gives us so much grace πŸ™

  3. Thank you dear Atarah, it’s so important to teach our children in the way they should go, to remain pure and to be obedient, trusting their Heavenly Father to guide us and to be with them to guide them.

    Janine, PTL we can surrender our patched canoe’s to our Heavenly Husband to steer it further!

    1. Thats so true Adina, l have had to trust Him to guide me because speaking to our kids about these things are not easy but He gives us grace and to ❀️

  4. Thank you for sharing Atarah. Is great you mentioned this. I also have been thinking when is a good time to speak on intimacy with my older which is 8. Nowadays in public schools they start teaching very early about intimacy, although I have withdrawn for some of the subjects, but I don’t know when is the right time to speak myself with my son I need to prepare thank for sharing these precious lessons I will start reading it little by little.

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