Opportunity to Be Obedient

♕ Today's Promise: "The mind of a person plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9


Come JOIN ONE of our Wise Woman Fellowship Groups this WEEK— with 3 💙 💚 🧡 different times to choose from!

~ Ruby in California

☊ PRAISE Audio

Dear Brides, I have to give a Praise Report today. I am thankful to My Heavenly Husband for having me where I am right now. He continues to show me that He is our Protector. And now He shows our children too!!

Today on my way to our sons sports tournament my EH (earthly husband) calls to tell me once again the OW (other woman) will be showing up. He has done this several times before, for several different holidays and our children's events in the past and I always left My HH (Heavenly Husband) in control of the situation. She would end up not showing up.

In the beginning of my journey I would pray against it. But now I tell My Love that He knows my heart but I accept His Will to be done, whatever that may be. I know He will not leave me or our children to shame. I know He has the perfect plan. Anything that happens it’s because He has allowed it. It is all part of His perfect plan and He will use it for good. Whatever we have to face it will be for a purpose. He will be with me and we will face this together.

I ask My Love to prepare me and my heart so that the OW and everyone else will be able to see Him through me. I also ask Him to let me forgive like He forgives, let me love like He loves and let me see things like He sees. Let me use this opportunity to be obedient and love My Love even more.

I want to get rid of fear and replace it with more trust and faith in Him. I want to praise His Holy Name and face this with excitement and thanksgiving.

And you know what dear brides? He did all that for me. I honestly felt Him change my heart. I was completely fine with whatever was to come. I knew that My Love would be with me and He would get me through it. This would change me and He would use it to serve His perfect purpose. He gave such a peace in my heart and mind. I was ready to accept the Will of My Love cheerfully with renewed trust and faith.

My sons asked me if their Dad told me about her going to their event, I said yes he mentioned it. I told him he should talk to the boys about it to see how they feel. That I have always told the boys that he would never surprise them last minute and would always talk to them first and they trust him in this.

I also told the boys that God has a perfect plan for our lives but He cannot move us to the next step until we joyfully accept our present situation as part of that plan. What happens next is God’s move not ours. The battle belongs to God it’s not ours to fight. God fights for us 💗

The Bible says man may plan his way but The Lord guides his steps. The Lord is the head of every man. Talk to the Lord and put Him in control of our situation and be thankful to Him and ask Him to deal with their Dad and He will do it.

My Love thank You for this opportunity to minister to our children. I see You working in their hearts and lives. Especially our second oldest who has been strong willed, always doing things his own way, the hard way. I have seen You change his heart so much. Thank You that You reveal Yourself to our children. You show them that You are their Protector and You will not leave them. You show them that You are faithful, You love them and Your Word is true.

They did not respond to their Dad’s message. They did not argue, disagree or were not disrespectful to the Dad. (Win without words). They let their Heavenly Father handle it and He did!! He showed them He is with them, He hears them and nothing is impossible for Him. He is their Protector!!

She did not come to watch their sporting event. I don’t know the reason and I didn’t ask. I just know My HH (Heavenly Husband) did not allow it this time AGAIN. But if and when it does happen it’s because My HH allowed it at that time and it’s part of His perfect plan. Because He is in control!!

"He says, 'Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.'” Psalm 46:10

"But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God." 1 Corinthians 11:3

"The mind of a person plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9

"Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it so that the Father may be glorified in the Son." John 14:13

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!" Psalm 100:4

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