Pregnant and Covid Positive

โ™• Today's Promise: "Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you." Psalm 91:6-7


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~ Isabella in Costa Rica

โ˜Š PRAISE from Isabella

Our Beloved is great and His mercy is forever!!!

I am more than grateful to My Beloved who always frees me from a thousand dangers.

The previous Saturday I woke up with a lot of body pain and general discomfort, and since it is very hot where I live, I assumed it was because of that situation. One of my young daughters felt hot, so we decided to take a cold shower and go to bed for a while. When we got up the discomfort turned into bone and joint pain, and my daughter had a fever. We prayed and put ourselves in the hands of Our Beloved, we took pills to reduce pain and fever, and we began to watch movies and rest.

Already at night, I noticed that my baby (I am 7 months pregnant) moved little and that worried me. The night was a bit complicated because my daughter continued to feel hot, but without pain, and I had body aches. Sunday morning when we woke up and my baby was barely moving, I prayed and the Lord impressed me to go to the hospital. Which I did without hesitation.

The Lord always has a perfect plan, my sister is a nurse at the hospital, and she was already waiting for me to speed up the process. Even though my body only ached and I felt hot, in the triage area they told me that they looked like symptoms of Covid and sent me to have the swab done. I felt calm at all times and only wanted the baby that was my concern to be monitored. When I arrived at the Covid area, I noticed that the line to enter was very long, and I was worried because I felt weak and tired. But My Beloved in His infinite mercy had a surprise for me: My sister had already contacted the doctor and they put me first. When they checked me, they agreed that the priority was the baby and they admitted me to do monitoring and test for Covid.

The Lord is the best Husband in the world, because when I entered the Covid area, they had me a private room away from those infected, with its own bathroom, which was great because I was going to have privacy!!

The obstetrician arrived, she saw me very dehydrated, they gave me serum, they gave me a lot of fluids and they checked the baby and everything was perfect!!! Although the Covid test came out positive later, the only thing that mattered to me was that my baby was fine and that I was just dehydrated!!

This disease causes fear and anxiety, and many people around me were very scared by the simple fact of seeing me pregnant and Covid Positive, but I can only say that my Beloved has given me peace and that His hand holds us. That He has allowed this disease for His Glory, as a testimony of what only He can do and that no matter what happens to our right or left, He has already made provision for everything!!!

Many people have been observing my process from afar, and they are scared that we are super well, with minor symptoms and happy!! They cannot believe that the baby is healthy and that everything is fine. They called me to scare me, to tell me everything that could go wrong with my pregnancy, with my health (I have a heart problem), and how even my daughters could be sick from one moment to another. I just lift my eyes to heaven and laugh, as Erin says in the living lesson, because I know who my Savior is and I know why He allows things.

And here we are very well, without serious symptoms, as a family giving testimony that the Lord is our doctor per excellence and that everything is fine!!

Glory be to Our Beloved!!

"Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you." Psalm 91:6-7

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Isabella is a tithingโ€‹ partner. Learn more.