
“Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do it” (Ps. 37:5).

The last week I have been letting my emotions take over. I sometimes match persons feelings. If they are sad, I feel sad, if they are happy, I am happy but this week eh has been in a sleepy grumpy mood and I’ve let that take hold. Thinking why isn’t he excited we’re getting ready to go on a beach trip? The events at the beach are geared towards his liking of cars so why isn’t he happy? Why does he seem emotionless? Getting myself and mind off my Beloved and trying to go toward self pity.
I just went and spoke to the Lord, asked for forgiveness, and gave him my tears. It’s just amazing how much lighter I feel.

I was reading the devotional today and this is the part that spoke to me.

“Walking in the ways of Jesus, walking in His love, walking in His forgiveness: blessing those who cursed Him and rejected Him, forgiving those who spat upon Him, who nailed Him to the cross, and washing the feet of the one who would betray Him. This is the committed way of Jesus.”


7 thoughts on “Emotions”

  1. Dear Hope, thank you for your testimony, I too would always carry the emotions of others on my shoulders especially that I have this sensitive personality, but more and more my Darling is teaching me that they do not have what we need, only our Darling has.

  2. Thank you so much for this dear Hope. I have seen in our house because me and my children are so close, our emotions are also bound close, so that happens in our house as well. And we need to recognize it. The situation is different though, because I can talk to my children and we can go to Him together. A go-to lesson I have for when someone does not respond the way I want them to is:
    The first time I read this lesson, it did not really resonate with me and then one day I was in a situation and I was reading the blog for encouragement and there was a restored marriage testimony and she referenced the lesson and I read it again and then it hit me. Now, I use it all the time.

  3. Hope I can relate with how my fh emotions used to affect me while we were still married. But I know now I should have run to my Heavenly Husband, but I didn’t know my HH back then.

    But PTL I found the ministry with all the life-changing resources! AND PTL my HH allured me during the most difficult trails!! https://loveatlast.org/finding-the-abundant-life/chapter-3-the-love-of-my-life/

    Now when my children or anybody else in my live are grumpy or something happens that upset me, I know I can https://loveatlast.org/ryr/c6/ “Tell it to my Husband,” and of course the lesson Yvonne shared above https://loveatlast.org/finding-the-abundant-life/chapter-6-they-dont-have-it/.

  4. Hope this is zo familiar to me what you are talking about. A few years ago I was diagnosed as HSP. Which means that I can penetrate other people’s feelings more deeply than I would like. When I enter an environment I can sense the atmosphere well. But also determine. The downside of this is that I can sink deeply into an emotional event. It is not always easy for me to get out of this emotional circle. For many years I experienced these moments as negative. Now I know that I can truly cherish these moments.

    Because of the extravagance of those revelations, and so I wouldn’t get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan’s angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees. No danger then of walking around high and mighty! At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then he told me,
    My grace is enough; it’s all you need.
    My strength comes into its own in your weakness. https://www.bible.com/bible/97/2CO.12.7,8,9,10

    I also agree with the lessons that Yvonne and Adina have advised. Especially the “They Don’t Have It” lesson. Because once you understand it, it will become easier to laugh through the many conflicts we may experience.

    I would love to give you this lesson, because after a emotgional situation i could blame my self.

    Much Love🌹

  5. Hope, thanks for sharing. In my case I tend to be a little stronger, I am the type of person who is encouraging and who can control his emotions when someone around him is suffering in order to give him strength, you know when someone is very bad, you can get sad with him but To a certain extent, if you sink into sadness with him you’ll both sink, so I’m usually the one who lifts your spirits. But sometimes I feel insensitive, it’s strange, I think I go back and forth on the topic of feelings… My Beloved reminded me of this chapter that tells us very specifically about the management of emotions and that can guide us even more. on how to manage them for our benefit https://loveatlast.org/fc/moving-mountains/chapter-9-feelings/

  6. Thank you for opening your heart to is sweet Hope. As Adina shared, this chapter always help when my emotions
    wants to take my peace away https://loveatlast.org/ryr/c6/. We need to hold on to Him, because what we feel sometimes is not real, and the Lord wants us to be free from emotions and fill with faith.
    It is not always easy, but with Him we can win the battle in our minds.

  7. Thank you Ladies. He has been making me more aware of my emotions and how I need to just instantly take it to Him. My Beloved has been having me say to my mind (if I’m trying to be sad etc) I’m not sad I’m happy, over and over again and it really can help shift my focus back to where it should be = Him
    We are at the beach now and have been having a great time. EH has been in a good mood. I almost let my emotions take over the other day. So glad He reminded me to just cry to Him and let it go.
    I am excited to go reread all the links. Anastasia, I just clicked on your link and skimmed through for a moment. I forgot about that lesson and think I could definitely benefit from rereading.

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