Share my weakness

Hello brides, as much as l love sharing praise here with you l feel led to also share my weakness and struggles because l find that praise always comes from that too.

My Husband provided the money needed to pay for my sons homeschooling curriculum, here in South Africa we have to follow the CAPS curriculum.

But l became impatient and frustrated because regular school already started and instead of waiting for someone to call me back l went and completed a whole new registration to pay the fees which took a lot of my time too.. Only to figure out that the number l was given as my reference they had already generated one. So l had messed up and could not even phone the call centre to fix it as they are experiencing high call volumes as its the start of the school year here.

I was impatient and could not wait instead of resting in Him. The complete opposite of Yvonne’s praise l read this morning. So have a look and compare.

Heres the praise because despite my weakness my Husband is still faithful. I received a call in the afternoon from the call centre, spoke to a very friendly and helpful agent and she sorted out my mess 😜

So yes He is faithful and l am thankful πŸ™ŒπŸŽˆβ€οΈ

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Cor12:9-10

9 thoughts on “Share my weakness”

  1. Oh Atarah, thank you for sharing, we all fail at some times, get impatient or act out of the flesh, but He is right there to pick us up and help us if we run to Him! PTL that His grace is sufficient for us and His mercies that are new every day!!

    1. Yes Adina its soooo important to rest in Him while HE sorts it all out. So thankful for His grace to have that even wen l slip up!

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Atarah, I have to confess I too get impatient some times. But I am having a laugh with my Darling because at our my outside job I got a new printer in my office, a very slow printer and off course my Darling said I must stop complaining about the printer because I know He is teaching me to be patient and now I get to lean more on Him.

    1. πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚ Oh i can only imagine Janine a slow printer wen you trying to get work done or deadlines to meet! He is teaching me to BE STILL! And just give everything to Him l mean it does not matter what it is we also must not lean on our own understanding of how He will fix it.

  3. What a beautiful praise Atarah. He is faithful when we are weak and He knows our hearts. It is so comforting to know that even in our messes, or maybe especially in our messes, He is just so faithful. I just spoke today with one of my neighbours how faithful He is to us, even before we even knew Him personally. Now that is what I call love right? πŸ’–

    1. Yes that is so comforting because yes l believe that He did know my heart despite my weakness Yvonne. Wow yes thats love and even while we were sinners πŸ’–

  4. I love living not in fear of messing up anymore. It’s a new life just knowing that when we make mistakes and get impatient, like I always do too lol, our Beloved still loves to come to our rescue. He knows are weaknesses and sees us doing things like busy little bees and He still smiles and says step aside, let Me do it for you. He takes care of things better than we ever could. What a loving Husband He is. I’m comfortable being weak now cause when we are weak He is strong 😍

    1. LOL yes wow l love how you explained how HE watches us be like busy busy bees and says step aside let me do it for you πŸ’– its also like him carrying our burdens for us too 😍

  5. My dear Atarah

    This praise came to me like a glove. I felt so frustrated with this deal lately. I have a great weakness with comparison not only about myself with others but not my girl with other kids specifically with one of her cousins who had been attending to every extra curriculum activities.
    I need to confess I felt pressured and by reading your post He is being kind to show me the ‘both’ path: trusting on Him as Yvonne did and going by your own as you did. It’s a relief to know anyways He is in control.
    I’m not sure about the coming steps but I Know He is with me. I had no idea what’s the purpose, but it’s His purpose running. I need to rest in Him. πŸ™
    Thanks for sharing my dear.

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