He Provides Amazingly

Hi ladies, today I want to give an amazing financial praise. As I mentioned in a praise a while ago, my wonderful Husband, saved my son when his appendix almost burst. Here is the link if you are new and want to read it.

He kept me Calm

I changed medical aids a month before my son had this emergency. In my country, South Africa, it is really important to have at least a hospital plan because our government hospitals are far understaffed. Because I changed medical aid they have some rules about pre-existing conditions and so on, but I was not worried, because this is an emergency right?

I had to complete endless documentation with doctor's reports and statements and then the bills started coming in unpaid. Thousands of dollars and I could not understand why. I went to look and the procedure was not approved. 😱

I sat with my Husband and asked Him what to do now. I mean I tithe and I am sure it was Him that led me to change medical aids and because I changed medical aid, I was able to take my son to a hospital 7 minutes away from me. If I had not changed, I would have had to travel 30 minutes to another hospital. At the time, I did not know why He had me change medical aids, I was just being obedient.

As I was sitting with Him, I thought I heard to just ask why the procedure was not approved, so I sent an email to ask.

Ladies, it was not 15 minutes later I started to get notifications on my phone from my medical aid, saying the procedure was now approved and all the accounts would be sent for payment. WHAT?!?

I could not believe what I was seeing. My Husband is amazing! And you know what? I never told anyone about this, I just spoke to Him and buried it in my heart that He will provide either way. I did not think the procedure was going to be approved, I thought He would provide for me financially to be able to pay, but He had other plans, He showed me that He is greater than any problems we can ever face.

I want to leave you with the verse that was in the devotional for today that my children needed to hear. Another wonderful praise I am sharing on HomeGrownMinistries Blog. Because of the My Beloved Child, my children can be encouraged by His word as well.

β€œβ€˜You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the Lord is with you”

β€œYou will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf. Do not be afraid and do not be discouraged. Tomorrow march out toward them, the Lord will be with you.” 2C2017

6 thoughts on “He Provides Amazingly”

  1. Thanks for sharing this amazing praise, Yvonne! I have to say WOW 🀩🀩
    am sure you know how He is amazing, but It’s wonderful to watch how He handle things is such a powerful way and keeps us in awe and of course much more in love with Him❣️

  2. Thank you for sharing this beautiful praise precious Yvonne, wow He is really just the Best ever!!! I am sitting here with the biggest smile, that is so Him! We can really just sit back and see what our Darling Lord does!

  3. How amazing Yvonne! What an amazing praise! He is our Provider. He can do all things. I like how you believed He would provide the funds to pay it and He did above and beyond what you could imagine, He took care of it all, and all you had to do was be still. He said just ask and you shall receive and you were obedient and put your full trust in His Promises. You asked and you received! He is so faithful!!

  4. Truly amazing! I love that ability of my Beloved to keep us in awe of his great power and ability to resolve every situation. yes definitely, as Paula said, those details keep us in love. πŸ₯°

  5. Dear Yvonne, what a beautiful powerful testimony you have shared with us. Nothing is impossible for your Heavenly Husband to do. Staying focused on his promises can sometimes be difficult to do, but like you said. You give your tithe faithfully, so you are protected against any financial challenge. My heart is glad that you cherish this assurance.

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