A Beautiful Gift From My Beloved

β™• Today's Promise: β€œPaul and Silas answered, Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your family.” Acts 16:31

From ~ Poppy in Costa Rica

☊ PR Podcast Poppy

Dear brides, I thank my Beloved very much for his kindness and for showing me how his promises are kept. A week ago, while I was working, it occurred to me to call my mom on the phone to take her to lunch and go out for a bit. To my surprise, his response was the opposite of what I expected. Instead of saying yes, she just told me that she couldn't that day. I was surprised by her refusal, so I pushed a bit and listened to something that sounded like music to my ears.

My mother just answered me, my daughter, do you want to hear the truth? I answered yes. Then she told me; I promised the Lord that today I would start my devotion and that's what I intend to do, I hope you understand me. Very excited to hear that, I replied: of course I understand and now I am sure that when I tell you that I am fasting you will understand that too.

For many this may be something very normal, but for me it is something hard to believe. Although we have always believed in God, in my house we never learned to have a close relationship with my Heavenly Husband, we never read the Bible and we never talked much about what the Lord does in our lives. To see this change in my mother is a beautiful gift from my Beloved where her love and mercy are present.

β€œPaul and Silas answered, Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your family.” Acts 16:31

Poppy is our French Ministry Pastor and also RMI's Director of Operations.
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