Don’t Agree With the Enemy

β™• Today's Promise: "We know that God works in all things for the good of those who love him, those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

~ Frida in Brazil

☊ PRAISE from Frida

β€œThat's why I say to you: believe that you've already received everything you're asking for in prayer, and you'll get it." Mark 11:24

Today I would like to encourage all of you to love your parents and honor them by praying and caring for them, as they too need healing in many areas, I encourage you to go on your journey reflecting the brilliance of our Beloved's bride, bearing in mind their lives, a hallmark of transformed women who love their families. Dear ones, it is through our way of living that we really speak of God's Love to the world.

A few weeks ago, my father was infected by the coronavirus, there were difficult days. He is elderly and has several health problems. He was at risk, when I saw my father in that situation and I realized he was afraid, I felt the fear also wanting to get me, but mentally I shook off the fear as we learned from the apostle Paul in Acts 28:5. Then I was also able to apply the principle of Matthew 12:43-45 about replacing what was removed. And replaced by thoughts of a healing miracle and I was able to imagine the end of this situation, as I urgently needed a victorious end. So I put my faith in Him, fully believing that this was all part of His plans to glorify His name.

I've been renewing my mind for some time now about "Don't add fear to the mix" because whenever we add "fear" when we're going through some ordeal, we make things horrible and harder to handle and carry a heavy burden that we wouldn't need to have carried.

I was able to take care of my father, even with the restrictions and I felt calm all the time, I was completely guided by the Lord to take care of him and his things. He was recovering and it didn't take long and we were happy with his healing. Today he is well and getting better every day. God is really wonderful and kind, He loves us, Praise Your Name.

He used this situation for me to be led by Him spiritually. He led me to put my principles and my faith into action. As we learned in RMI courses, that "your family and others will witness your calmness, they will witness you take care of others, and they will want what you have."

Dear, how wonderful it is to be fed daily with solid and nutritious food, the light of God's word. Only through the practice of such rich principles, I was able to go through this situation together with my father and achieve victory. We were trained during our RJ (restoration journey) to fully trust God even when things say otherwise.

"We know that God works in all things for the good of those who love him, those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Dear ones, let's climb higher with Him and follow what He said to our dear Erin: - β€œIf you or a loved one starts to sneeze, cough or develop a fever. When you hear the enemy screaming in your head, "You've got something!" Remember, it's a lie, DON'T agree with the enemy, agree with GOD and He says:

"And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, thou and thy house." Acts 16:31

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