The Death of my Mother

Dear girlfriend, have you experienced true love? Do you really know the love of God? Is your HH really is first in your life or rather is everything in your life? Dear girlfriend, I also had these questions that haunted me, but through Chapter 1 “What Is the Abundant Life?” I read I know what it really means to live an abundant life, which often limits ourselves to really knowing our HH, as to what He is and what He wants to be in our lives so that we can live, and we can enjoy, regardless of the circumstances around us.

I’ve been finding my Abundant Life!, understanding “What Is the Abundant Life?”

‘Very soon I will make heaven and earth, the sea and the land tremble … The splendor of this house will be greater than the first,’ says the Lord Almighty ‘And in this place I will grant peace. ‘ says the Lord Almighty “(Haggai 2: 6, 9).

This promise is so significant to me because I used to think that the glory of my house was just home with my EH and I waited for the fulfillment of this promise, but now I see my situationβ€” Who is providing for me, Who cares, Who supports, Who loves me. I am changing so much and I see the fulfillment of this promise, though there is no restoration because my EH fills me with His beauty and glory.

To be honest, the first time I read this chapter I felt so confronted because I said, I can not believe I’m divorced. I mean could not understand how Michele claimed to have an abundant life. I honestly thought if there was no restoration with my EH I could not be happy, but inexplicably and with some fear, I began to understand what she wrote because it’s what I live now too! I no longer am crying, I feel calm and I want an overflowing intimacy with my Lord. it’s like a total detachment from one and as she says is gorgeous because all else is vile. Really I ask do you really not want the life of restoration Michele, Michele?! Then I experienced it! Β jejejejeje, now I want to live the overwhelming intimacy and intimate relationship and be attached with my Lord just as she is. Be completely what He wants for me, I long to live every day, to live with Him.

A good example was the death of my mother. It is worth noting that my mother was my great best friend, then my husband left, I had no job, and I had no financial support. There are many people who ask How do you do it? Who are you talking about? I can tell you with certainty, anyone who has met the Lord as their HH, Who has kept me, advise me, hugged me, helped me, loved me, will understand it’s awesome! I have no home but live in a beautiful apartment where I do not pay rent. Now the joy of unconditional love with my Lord, I am happy in it! in my walk with my Lord, finally I smile and I have my Husband. I can say that His love is indescribable and I’m just beginning to know and love more of my HH in me.

The gift of His love is not for me alone, I will speak of his love, and tell whoever will listen. The Lord put that there in hope that I for one, despite the pain, can have joy and share His love with others.

Dear Brides, girlfriends, I say simply and entirely complete surrender yourselves to your HH and that decision will change your life. Read this book, it is going to help focus your lives on true Love.

~ Melissa in Colombia