No longer Toxic! RMI Resources Profitable for My Family

I give thanks to the Lord who in His infinite wisdom wanted the creation of this Ministry and allowed me to find it. I arrived at RMI with a broken heart and mind. I was looking for comfort and solutions to “my” marital problems. Only, I was far from imagining that the teachings and all the resources of RMI would also be profitable for my family.

My mother died six years ago today. Being the eldest of my siblings, I wanted to protect my family. The problem is that I chose the wrong way. I was openly aggressive, quarrelsome and very disagreeable to all those whom I considered “a danger” to my brothers and father. I literally sowed terror around me. I did everything so that people no longer see me as the sweet girl who accepts everything without saying anything. I really thought I could look after my family. However, I was unhappy because I carried a burden too heavy for me. I hated this way of life and all the aggression turned against me.

Moreover, I did not understand that my brothers really considered me as a mother. I did not realize that my way of thinking, my actions, and my remarks negatively influenced their behavior. My father had to reproach me several times for me to realize it.

The changes did not work automatically in me when I discovered RMI. But I’m happy to say that I learn a little more every day to let go. I understood that I did not have to put myself between God and my brothers, that I could not protect them. I learn a little more each day that the difficulties they encounter help them discover God. I had to suffer also to seek the Lord …

Isaiah 30:21″Your ears will hear a word behind you, β€œThis is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.”

I strive to no longer be a toxic advisor. The fact that I am retiring has also allowed them to be more free of their decisions. We are more united today because we have all put our hope in God. He is our Warrior, the defender of widows and orphans. I thank God very much for the work He is doing in our hearts. I am happy because I know that my mother from where she is in the Father’s house smiles when she looks at us. She and our father used to repeat to us: “We are not rich, we have no money or property to bequeath to you. But the only thing we can leave you is the fear of the Lord. If you fear the Lord, then you have everything.”

~ Eliza in Cameroon
French Translator