My Beloved, My Best Protection

"O LORD, Youย surroundย [me] withย favor as with a shield." Psalm 5:12

My Beloved reminded me to share how He, as my Best Protection (โ€œYour Best Protectionโ€) came to my rescue two weekends ago while I was all alone at home, my children was with their dad. It was the first weekend of the short September school break and everybody I know in this town was away on holiday.

The Saturday evening, I was reading, and I ate "biltong" (beef jerky). The next moment a piece got stuck in my throat and I couldn't breathe. I tried to breathe through my nose, but I couldn't, and I started to panic. There was no way for me to get help and I got up desperately trying to get the piece of meat out of my throat, but I couldn't. So, I called to my Beloved to help me because He was the only one who could. A few seconds (that felt like forever struggling to breathe) went by, and suddenly it felt like someone pulled the meat out of my throat and I could breathe freely again. I just started to cry because I knew my Beloved, my Best Protection, came to my rescue and saved me.

But He didn't stop there, the Wednesday, the children and I drove to the neighboring town. As we were driving, we neared a traffic light that was green at that moment and there were a lot of cars in front of me and behind me. The next moment all the cars in front of me came to a dead stop, although the light was still green. In that moment my Beloved took over the steering and we ended up next to all the cars that stood still. If He did not take over in that moment I would have crashed into the car in front of me, and the car behind me would have crashed into me, but He safely guided us past all the still standing cars. As we safely drove past all the cars, we could see that the car in the front stalled and the guy was struggling to get his car started. The children and I was in shock by the thought of what could have happened, but we just thanked Him for His protection and taking over in that moment.ย  And nobody got injured in that situation.

9 thoughts on “My Beloved, My Best Protection”

  1. Merci Adina pour ton poste vraiment sa protection est divin…
    En semaine installant les verres j’ai malheureusement fait glisser un verre qui s’est cassรฉ et comme je voulais absolument le ramasser j’ai attrapรฉ le verre ou s’รฉtait cassรฉ s’y fort et j’ai faillis me couper les doigts… Mais mon bien-aimรฉ n’a pas permis j’ai relรขchรฉ la pression sur le verre cassรฉ en le remerciant de m’avoir protรจger.

    Et ce matin encore mon fils qui buvait son lait a renverser un peu par terre il a glissรฉ dessus mais aucun dommage il faillis se prendre la tete contre une table en bois, mais je sais que notre cheri l’a รฉpargnรฉ.
    Thank you Adina for your post, His protection is truly divineโ€ฆ
    During the week while installing the glasses I unfortunately slipped a glass which broke and as I absolutely wanted to pick it up I grabbed the glass where it had broken hard and I almost cut my fingers… But my beloved did not allow me to release the pressure on the broken glass, thanking him for protecting me.

    And again this morning my son who was drinking his milk spilled a little on the ground, he slipped on it but no damage, he almost hit his head against a wooden table, but I know that our darling spared him.

    1. Thank you, for sharing how our Beloved protected you and your son Kateleen. His protection for us and our children are the best!

  2. Wow I am glad youโ€™re okay Adina. He truly is our Best Protection. Iโ€™m happy that He was there for you and you were able to experience His Love and Protection in both situations.

    1. Thank you, dear Elda, my Beloved Lord just reminded me again that I am not alone, He is there with me and for me always.

  3. Wow wow thank you for sharing this huge testimonies precious Adina. I am so grateful our Beloved Lord was there with you when you ate the biltong and while driving with your child. Our Beloved Lord is really truly our Best ever Protection!!!

    This was so encouraging to read now and let me remember of so many times He saved me and my children.
    I remember driving and my son, at that time a baby was in his baby seat, but the car seat was not secured tightly because I could not put it in properly. As I looked back the car seat had fallen to the front, but in that moment I looked back and tried to push the baby seat back, I bumped the car in front of me. It was the loudest bump. When we got out there was not bump against my car or against the man in front of me’ car. The poor man was in shock and said but there is not mark, how come there is no bump. I shouted excited go and tell the world what had just happened because there were Angels between us.

  4. Adina, blessed be the Lord who protected you and saved you. Only He can perform miracles, and give us all His Protection. He takes care of you and your children. Thank you for this beautiful testimony and glory to God who is always pending and His love frees us from danger.

  5. Dear Adina, how wonderful it is to read how He cared for and protected you and your children from going through worse things! He is always by our side at all times.
    How beautiful His care for us is!๐Ÿ’•
    โ€œBehold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you goโ€ฆโ€ Genesis 28:15

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