The Lord Wants Us To Need Him

"The mind of a person plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps." P16:9

Precious ladies I want to encourage you to please listen to Living Lesson 80 "God Directs".

With this podcast I learned that the Lord takes us out of our comfort zone, precisely because when we get comfortable, we tend to become lukewarm. The comfortable state means that we do not rely on the Lord enough. And I know exactly what Erin is talking about, because if I get too comfortable, I don't rely on the Lord enough. It's precisely when I'm out of my comfort zone that I tend to rely more and more on our Darling Lord.

I know I'm someone who lives absolutely in routine and I don't like it at all when my plans don't work out and I realize now that I need to let go more so that my Beloved Lord can direct my steps more and more.

Hear how beautiful: "Our precious Lord wants to be needed!" Wow, so precious woman let's make sure we never get comfortable. I know that's where some of us get stuck, I know I do, because it's nice to just stay comfortably in one place, but that's when we get lukewarm, so let's move out of our comfort zone, so that we need more of Him in every area of our lives and allow Him to direct our steps.

"A man’s mind plans his way [as he journeys through life], But the LORD directs his steps and establishes them." P16:9

6 thoughts on “The Lord Wants Us To Need Him”

  1. Yes Janine, I too like routine and feel a little chaotic when things change. Thanks for reminding me He does this to have us not get lukewarm and so we remember to rely on Him for everything. Stepping out of our comfort zone can be scary, but it’s a chance to grow and get closer to Him.

    1. Yes precious Hope, I agree it can be scary, and I can only do it clinging to His hand, but yes isn’t it wonderful that it is a chance to grow and get closer to Him.

  2. Thank you Janine for this reminder, I have had a hard time sticking to my routine since I studied the W@H book… once I get settled something happens that forces me to change plans, generally I would get upset and frustrated, until He guided me to overcome the situations, now I feel that He guides me to not feel guilty every time I go off plan and to enjoy my relationship with HIM more and that HE takes care of my agenda…

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Anastasia, I would also get upset and frustrated, especially now that my whole routine has changed and I am currently learning to give this situation too just over to Him.

  3. Thank you for sharing!
    I am also very busy with planning, there is always a list in my kitchen with the things I have to do. When I look at my list I put it in His hands and ask Him to lead me that day. Through this podcast I learn that I can let go of things even more and not even have to make a list. When I hear Erin’s testimonies, it really makes me want to really let Him lead me, and put all my plans aside, so that I can be surprised by His plans!

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Hanna, I know what you mean, when I also hear Erin’s testimonies, it makes me too want to really let Him lead me more and more.

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