Love so Pure, so True

Dear brides, this is a journey, a beautiful journey with your Creator and Lover. He is gentle, patient, loving, forgiving and so so kind. You will experience love as never before, he knows you and all your flaws, he knows you better than you know yourself but oh, he loves you so.

Isaiah 30:18 Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to me, the Lord waits on high to have compassion on me for the lord is a God of justice, how blessed I am if I wait for him

It is like the unfolding of an onion peel, as I walk through this journey, God shows me more. My unconscious desires, drive, and heart is really being exposed and recreated, my mind is certainly being renewed, God is doing something great and I am in awe. Yes, he is Lord and he is my love. I seek closeness and desire to long only for him and glory to him, I am getting closer. Day by day, I let go. I have let go of my husband long ago but God is telling to let go of me, my dreams, my organisation, my philosophy, ways and embrace him. Now, I am letting go of me and my control and really handing over my life to him.

While I really don’t know what letting go means, I know he is good and that he is perfect and he will protect and care for me, I know I can trust him, my understanding of him is certainly getting better. I am excited, knowing that I know him and he knows and loves me. I am in love. I am not worried about the future, instead I am trusting him with the future, guess what excitedly. I am rejoicing, I am entering his rest, it is beautiful, it is bliss. He tells me to rejoice not because the battle is lost but because we (me and him) have won. He is my first love, no man will do.

My love, please draw me closer still, I do not want to ever long for my husband or any man ever again. I want only you. Yes, please keep me in your ways, help me be the mother and wife and person you want me to be but let me only long for you alone. Oh, Lord, help me live as you intended, only as your bride and friend in Jesus name

Dear brides, everything will be fine, he loves you and he will allure you, he will take you to the wilderness and speak kindly to you. Don’t long for any man, your HH is the real deal.

Yes, through this book, he will open you to his love, love so pure, so true, never-ending and unmerited. Get ready, your love and savior longs to be gracious to you, how blessed are you.

~ Jennifer in Australia
A partner who faithfully tithesο»Ώ

Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart”.

Find your pure, true love by Finding the Abundant Life.