RESTORED Marriage Testimony: “I Hadn’t Gotten Married Only to Separate”

♕ Today's Promise: “He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm.” Psalm 40:2

☊ RMT Audio

Luciana, how did your restoration actually begin?

It all started when my husband started treating me with indifference, saying that he didn't love me anymore and that our marriage was over. He kept on tormenting me, always saying he was leaving, until one day I got home from work and he had actually gone and taken some of his things. He left a note saying something like this: The Lord has helped us so far!

As soon as I read that I told God that I did not accept that situation, that I had not gotten married only to separate.

How did God change your situation, Luciana, as you sought Him wholeheartedly? 

The Lord began to transform me the moment I started to acknowledge my mistakes and repent. Taking responsibility for all the problems that I contributed to the breakdown of my marriage was only the first step. I didn't know (until I found your ministry) that I was quarrelsome, contentious, and utterly a fool. I simply said anything and everything I thought. I was also a Pharisee and religious with no relationship with the Lord whatsoever. 

I thought I was the right one, I wasn’t humble, never took the blame for anything even though I was usually at fault. It was when I found your ministry and took one of your courses that I learned that we must ask God to show us where we are going wrong, and also to ask Him to give us the opportunity to ask for forgiveness before I would soon find myself before a judge. Matthew 5:25 

What’s interesting is that after I started to pray like that, when I began to cry out to God to show me where I was going wrong, He started to show me and I started to be ashamed of myself. Until I was farther along in my journey and began reading your Living Lessons and learned that shame isn’t from God. At that point, I knew I needed to be reshaped and remade by our Father and when it really happened in my life, when I found my HH, I was able to see and feel God's love and that of a true Husband.

What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), Luciana, did the Lord teach you during this trial? 

The principle of letting go and to depend exclusively on my HH. Oh, what a wonderful experience! I started to watch the supernatural of God take care of everything I needed. I didn't lack anything, because He met all my needs.

What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Luciana?

The most difficult moments for me were when I found out that he left home to live with an OW, but I cried out to the Lord and He cherished me with the following verse. "Even if my father and my mother forsake me, the LORD will welcome me" Ps 27:10

Luciana, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?  

The turning point was when the Lord, my HH, became everything. Almost immediately God began to turn my husband's heart back towards me. The hate wall came down (because in my heart I let go to grab hold of my true Lord). One day my EH said he dreamed of me every night and was feeling the urge to seek me out to ask for forgiveness, to buy a house so we could live a new life together.

Tell us HOW it happened, Luciana? Did your husband just walk in the front door? Luciana, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored? 

My husband left home but he didn't take all of his things. Our God transformed my life and that of my family. He is a God who creates adversity in order to bless us. As Erin says, very often our miracle comes in the midst of a crisis. Without any warning, we found out we were in a flood zone and were told we needed to move, immediately. I contacted my EH asking to come quickly to get his things, because I was going to move that day. I decided to take only what I needed and leave the rest.

As soon as he was finished, he offered to take a few boxes I had packed and sat ready at the door. Then just as I locked the door and chose not to look back, my EH was there and asked me if I would meet him at a cafe so we could talk. We talked and that’s when he told about the dreams he had about me, that he never stopped loving me, that he was desperate after not finding me on social media (thank you RMI!) and that I am the woman God put in his life and we were meant to live together until death do us part, that we have an alliance and he wants to have children with me (music to my ears).

Rather than move into the shelter, he moved my things in with his, at his brother’s house. Two weeks later we found another small flat up on a hill.

Psalm 40:2—

“He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm.”

Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Luciana?

Yes, I recommend the books How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage and a Wise Woman. I read these books several times and this is how God spoke to my heart. I also recommend fasting, prayer and reading the Word of God. All of your courses were amazing. I still do at least one lesson a day.

Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Luciana? 

Yes, I am very interested.

Either way, Luciana, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?

Beloved of the Lord! Don't give up on your marriage, I was very humiliated but the Word of God says that the humiliated will be exalted and the Lord exalted me. Perhaps you are praying and thinking that nothing is happening anymore, but our God works in silence. Today I see how it was worth it to be obedient to God and obedient to studies, to put everything that we learned here into practice, to close our mouths, to leave social networks, not to want to know where the husband is and with whom he is. "Give your way to the Lord, trust Him and the more He will do". Ps 37:05 

He is faithful! He watches over His Word. He is not a man to lie, nor the Son of man to repent. Numbers 23:19 "So that all may see, and know, and consider, and together understand that the hand of the Lord did this, and the Holy One of Israel created it." Isaiah 41:20 All honor, glory and praise to Him!

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