EASY as 1-2-3
“They looked to Him and were RADIANT, and their faces will never be ashamed”—Psalm 34:5
“Strength and dignity are her clothing and she smiles at the future”—Proverbs 31:25
“You’ll get a brand-new name straight from the mouth of God"—Isaiah 62:2
Taking a RADIANT "Drenched in the LOVE of the Sun or Son" Picture
SIMPLY go outside with an oversized pair of sunglasses. Begin to think of Him, count your blessings, talk to Him, FEEL His love and your SMILE will reflect that love!
Just be sure that HIS CREATION is behind you: trees, flowers, bodies of water, a waterfall, a fiend, or mountains—any expands of His creation. AND even if you're on your balcony, shoot up so that your background is the sunny sky!
Here’s how to take a shot on your own:
- Open your photo app on your phone.
- Turn the view to yourself.
- Stretch your arm all the way out.
- Smile and take one picture to look at how it’s framed:

a. What you want to see is just the top of your head to at least the top of your chin but nothing more than the tops of your shoulders AND sure there is a little bit of the background of HIS Creation.
5. Repeat until it looks right.
6. Once you have enough pictures to choose from, choose your favorite—you're now ready!
7. Be sure you have your Gmail and BNN...
8. Then take the next step towards "Becoming a Bridge Builder" and your own Ministry!