The Step that Changed our Lives

Today my HH made me step back and think about how serious it is to press closer to our Him. The enemy never subsides, relentless in his tactics. I see myself doing the very things Erin warns about. Trying to be so discrete because what I am trying to avoid, yet inching closer to the other ditch of being secretive and not sharing anything with anyone. Stay close to Him, meditate with Him and listen, but then open your mouth and share with others! He’s always giving all of us to say something perfect regarding what He’s done in our lives, which can change more lives!

For those of you who are holding back from letting go of your church in order to find Him as your true HH, if it is on your heart, trust all of us who’ve taken the step that changed our livesβ€” He is trying to tell you something. I was so afraid to let go of the church I loved. Yet, my HH kept putting things in my mind of why I needed to along with all the material that was telling me what I needed to do and He would validate it. I called my church so they would not

Finally, I called my church so they would not worryΒ because my church is full of great people. A close friend answered and proceeded to tell me how my kids would suffer. Funny how our HH provides when it is not His will people are trying to promote? The enemy had given my friend those words, to try to stop me from fulfilling what my HH knew I needed to do. That same week, He led to me a lesson that talked about all the things people will say. The truth is, since leaving, my children are closer to my HH than they have ever been. Not only do they pray more and do a devotion every day of the week (not just Sunday) without me saying anything. They just want to, but they’ve told me so often that they see me changing. They know mommy reads and prays first thing when I wake up and before we go to bed. I also talk to my children about praying and we listen to praise and worship music most of the time. Sometimes we may listen to a song with lyrics I approve of first. Dear brides, our life is filled more with Him than ever before, we now just wait for our spiritual leader to come and take His place in our home. Glory to my HH and my children’s Father!

~Β Luna

Note: Be sure to watch for Luna’s RMT coming up next month!!