Healed of my Depression, Anxiety, Severe Fear and Phobias

I want to praise my Beloved, He healed me of my depression and anxiety and severe fear and phobias. When my husband left I was in a serious condition. I tried to visit different psychiatrists and psychologists, but only one doctor told me that I could do it, I needed to use my faith and she did not want to give drugs. So I only began to rely on the Lord.

So I started incredibly to ask God to help me. That led to me fasting a couple of times a week, coupled with intentional prayer. I not only prayed for my husband, but also for other people. Prayers for other people and not thinking of myself, only others. And this helped me overcome fear, depression, sadness, and the pain that I was experiencing.

The Lord showed me in the course, so I got the book, A Wise Woman, and would read from it at first light each morning. I read each and I sought God. That's when He showed me who to forgive, and I prayed for that person. People who have a life that is wounded, and before God in my room, I spoke out loud so that I myself would hear that I forgave them. I would also ask Him to bless them several times a day, even my ex-husband as the Lord teaches. Forgive everyone because of all the sins He's forgiven of mine, so I also want to forgive others as the Lord has forgiven. Now my life is going easier.

Matthew 18:18 New King James Version (NKJV) β€œAssuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

When I forgive others, God forgives me to such a degree. I prayed so much and forgave others until I find peace in myself.

Psalm 23:6 New King James Version (NKJV) Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life;

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.

When I prayed to God in prayer, he transformed me and this Psalm will speak to me when it is difficult for me or I want to give in to anger. I praise God for his goodness and all the grace that he gives me, and gives me to know him. Thanksgiving and glory to my beloved Jesus, all the graces flow to you and my dear ones through Him.

~ Sara in Slovakia

I want to give God praise and express how thankful I am for this ministry and the RRR courses I've taken. So much of His truth has flowed into my life through the lessons and chapters of the RYM, WW, and Workers @ Home books. I reread the chapters and some of the lessons I saved to my email to keep His Word on my heart if I start to struggle in a particular area. One area I have struggled with lately is the words that come out of my mouth so I have had to reread, "Kindness on Her Tongue" lesson due to my Love's conviction. I have not been using words to edify others, I have not been agreeing with my adversary, or many of the life lessons God's word tells us we should be doing regarding our words. So I read a portion of that chapter each day and I write out the verses that speak to my heart the most so I can meditate on them daily,Β as Erin encourages us to do.

Today I finished the chapter while fasting and it put into perspective so many things that have happened in my life and my relationships lately. I had gotten away from rereading those lessons and I really began to struggle-especially with gossiping and speaking negatively about others or defending myself when I felt attacked verbally. It's not that I didn't know everything I read because I lived and breathed those lessons when I first found this ministry seeking marriage restoration.

I needed to be reminded of what God's word says concerning the words that we speak to others. God's word speaks so clearly as to what He desires for us in our relationships. All of our relationships only benefit from our obedience to His Word and it pleases Him, and that has been my focus for a long time-pleasing my First Love. Hosea says that," My people perish for a lack of knowledge" and that is so true. I am so grateful for my HH's wisdom, knowledge and understanding that He gives to me when I study His Word and put it into practice in my life. His Word is the truth, and as long as we build every area of our lives on that unshakeable foundation, we can do all things through Christ who is our strength!

John 8:32 (ESV)-and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

I love this verse because there is hope in it and it is what my life and relationships are built on-God's truth. As long as I have His truth in my heart and I live my life according to it, I can be all that He has called me to be...

~ Rita in Louisiana


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Testimonies and Lessons on β€œFasting” (Food)


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