Hear the Truth From Him Only

β™• Today's Promise: β€œGOD is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear…” Psalm 46:1-2

Dear bride this is a must read lesson, Chapter 8, "Who Are You Listening To,” it will help you in all situation you are going through right now. It teaches us to know that we can only listen and trust him only.

He has taught me only to rely on and hear only from him not even my voice. At first I thought sharing our problem with other can help but it worsen the situation. This lesson will help me to spend more time with my beloved because he is the only one who can show me the right way.

This afternoon I had a shock of my life from what mum was insulting with. She made me think life is worthless and meaningless I felt it was better for my God to end my life than kept on living as soon I went in to my closet I talk and asked him if it better for me to stop living? Thank you my beloved HH I received an answer by opening FAL book and reading this lesson am doing today. That it only you that has a final say on my life.

I have learn not to listen to any one but on my beloved HH it's only him that who has the right word for me. I really want to learn from what I have been taught in this lesson and practice it at home or work.

My beloved HH am asking forgiveness from all that happened today am wrong in thinking of you taking my life and feeling unworthy. I know that you are the only one who is in charge of my life please my love have mercy on me and help me to listen only to your word which is the truth.

Please pray with me: Dear my beloved HH your love is so powerful and help me to learn from your love that you have upon us. Teach me to be listening more to you than other sources. Teach me your wisdom and knowledge on only trusting in you.

I would love to encourage a woman out there to read FAL book it help you to have a great relationship with the lord which has no ending.

β€œFor the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.” 2 Timothy 4:3–4

This word is so meaning to me to see how my HH wants me to hear the truth from him only.

~ Nomuula in Zambia
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