RESTORED Marriage Testimony: “No One Saw Me Cry”

♕ Today's Promise: "Wait on the Lord, cheer up, and He will strengthen your heart; wait on the Lord." Psalm 27:14 

☊ RMT Audio

Ximena, how did your restoration actually begin?

It all started when in a dream God warned me of the struggle that I would soon have and yet, I was disobedient and did not prepare for the battle to come. I continued living my life, inside the church (I am the leader of the women's group). I actually thought I had God in my life and that I knew Him and He knew me. But I was dead and cold, a whitewashed tomb, a Pharisee and I thought of myself as a super believer. How arrogant. What a big mistake and what sin, to be proud of what I thought I had. 

Even so, God kept drawing me to Him, but I was blind and I didn't realize that like a fool I destroyed my house and tore it down. But He had mercy on me. A friend asked me for help regarding her broken marriage and I invited her to attend the ladies' worship when I heard that there would be a speaker who could help her. The funny thing is that she couldn't even go, but I went and the speaker shared her testimony. She said GOD had restored her marriage. God was already talking to me and preparing me for what would happen later that day. The same day God revealed to me that my husband was with an OW. Though I hadn't meant to, God made sure I heard enough to know what was happening. Thank God I didn't despair or panic because I already knew it was a spiritual war, and the first step was to unleash His forgiveness.

I thought everything would return to normal, but even though I forgave him, he kept fighting against staying at home and I was left struggling in prayer and fasting and seeking the face of God so that the crisis and desert land would end. During this time I faced many struggles and an amazing journey of discovering the ways of God. Then I came across several restoration sites, and the testimonies were fundamental to not give up, and then I discovered RMI and I put into practice the principles of the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage.

I was often sad when I read the testimonies and saw that all the spouses left and sometimes even divorced their wives and then returned home. Since mine never left and I didn't know how a restoration could happen if the spouse didn't leave, but our GOD is the GOD of the impossible and He works differently in each of our lives! In total, my husband only spent 3 days away from home, but he never managed to get his things and leave us for good.

How did God change your situation, Ximena, as you sought Him wholeheartedly? 

God continued to draw me to Him, and the more I was reading and rereading the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage and I put into practice the principle of letting go (even though he was at my side inside the house), it was very painful and difficult. But you encouraged me to look to GOD, I did and He HELPED me. I went to Him in every crisis, made Him my Heavenly Husband, asked for forgiveness for anything and everything He revealed I'd done wrong. I asked Him to forgive me for being foolish, for being a Pharisee, for thinking I knew Him when I never did. I asked Him to forgive me for not having adored Him with all my heart, for not fasting, for not looking for Him in the early hours when He wanted to meet with me.

It's when I put all this into practice that everything in my life began to be reshaped and modified. It's then that GOD transformed me, and the best, most wonderful thing began to happen. I began to see changes that HE was doing in my husband’s life. I still long for him to give GOD his life because he has not yet come to Him fully. But I am grateful for everything as I still trust to see the salvation of my husband and his family.

What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), Ximena, did the Lord teach you during this trial? 

The LORD taught me a lot during my journey, He taught me to pray, to trust Him, to not to look at the circumstances. I learned that HE is my Husband, and that I was never a true Believer and I didn't even know it. He taught me to meditate on the Word and reading through the Bible in order to discover this and so much more. I learned to fast, not to give all our love and attention to our earthly husbands, and to put our HH first place in our lives.

What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Ximena?

When he disappeared for 3 days, I wanted to call, to go looking for him. I was also afraid that our family and neighbors would find out. I was so thankful when I read the book and I discovered that I didn't need to share what was going on with others. My family didn't need to know (and still doesn't know what I went through), because He was all I needed. The enemy kept trying to humiliate me, but he didn't manage to uncover what was happening. Through it all, I fought the enemy by remaining His servant, smiled as I walked in our neighborhood or met anyone on the street. I smiled when I went to church (before He became my Spiritual Leader and I let go of attending). These darkest days are when I was the happiest of all. No one saw me cry or walk with my head down. If I cried, I cried to GOD and He consoled me with His Word and reminded me of His promises. 

Even when he told me his decision was to stay with the OW and gave me details of how he was welcomed into her in her family, I just stood by while I watched the Lord fight for me and He won because He doesn’t lose battles. He always succeeds. As no one supported him, he decided to leave everyone and me and my daughter, but who is the head of man? It's the Lord ​​and GOD the head of everyone. The enemy failed. My husband tried to put his plans into action, but GOD foiled his attempt. When he took her to meet his family, God supported me, He gave me favor. I thought it was the end, but I focused on how much I adored Him and sought Him with my whole heart. I didn't focus on restoration and this transformed me into a new creature. They never managed to enter the house, my mother-in-law stopped them before they were able to go inside. They were asked to leave and had to leave.

Tell us HOW it happened, Ximena? Did your husband just walk in the front door? Ximena, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored? 

Because he never really left, I believe my restoration happened when he decided not to leave. After he was convinced that he wanted the OW, after he said he wanted to be happy with her, that they planned to live in a new house, but GOD, turned his heart. God wouldn't let him go out or take his things from the house. And that night he left and spent 3 days away from home, he came back and finally told me he was done with her. God told him it was wrong.

GOD always consoled me with His Word. In Psalm 27:14 says, "wait on the Lord, cheer up, and He will strengthen your heart; wait on the Lord." That's what I did and as the days passed and he's heart continued to turn back to me. I saw how he was already being molded by GOD, he became affectionate again, saying that he and I were meant to be. He told me he realized how blind he was about her and how wrong he was to put us all through this. Every day I see how my husband is discovering something new about God as He is revealing Himself to him, and revealing his sins that he continues to confess to me.

Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Ximena?


Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Ximena? 


Either way, Ximena, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?

Never give up, nor look at the circumstances, because GOD does not work by sight, but through works by faith, 2 Corinthians 5:7 GOD does not see how man sees, 1 Samuel 16:7. The enemy plants lies and sets up circumstances to make you and me give up! He lies sending people to tell us things that are not true. He even uses our own husbands to hurt us, but if our faith is in GOD, He promises to turn the heart of man. Trust only GOD. THAT IS WHO SUPPORTS US, AND DESERVES OUR LOVE!

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