Fear and Pain…they Are Not Allowed to Stay!

 ♕ Today's Promise: “Do not be afraid of sudden fear, nor of the onslaught of the wicked when it comes; for the LORD will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught.” Proverbs 3:25

☊ PR Podcast Cherie

I would like to give praise and thanks to my beloved for being so good and wonderful and all that He is! I was thinking what to write in this PR since He blessed me with so much i don't even know where to begin, somehow, He had pointed to me to be thankful for the “little things” and by being grateful for them, i would appreciate the bigger things even much. In Luke 16:10, It says, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much...” so here it goes!

Last month, i was having a difficult time at work, and was not meeting targets despite the longer number of workdays and company promotions. I was enticed by a higher position that i somehow lose focus on being a WW, and aimed for being a “woman of the world”. My beloved made sure i would not lose track of what was destined and planned for me by making me do assignments and translations that is related to the trials i am facing. WOW! I was made to translate WW “Helper Suitable” where the scales fell off my eyes and the truth was revealed to me! The more I seek success and growth in my career, the more my marriage and family will fall apart! I was given a choice, by Him, to follow what His plans are for me and to trust that He will guide me, or do what I want for myself and suffer much pain later. I choose Him.

So that particular month, i did not hit my targets at work and was subject for performance improvement but i kept on trusting Him, because apparently, i had no choice and He is my comfort and peace. It was the first time i did not hit my target since i came to this ministry and knowing Him but i trusted that this opportunity may be the one i am praying for since I prayed earnestly for Him to make me a keeper of the home and by my job failing meant this door is closing for me and another one will open, in His perfect time.

It is so amazing that the burden was easily lifted and my spirits are high! He introduced Moving Mountains around this time also and i commit myself, to Him, that i will not allow fear and pain to stay longer and linger in me! They can appear, but they are not allowed to stay! I declare and i claim success in His name, in whatever plans He has for me! I have given Him permission and allowed Him to shower His blessings in my life and i will not stand in His way! Would you believe after this declaration, i have hit my monthly target in 2 weeks this time? AMAZING!

Not only that, the NEW principle and Mindset He had given me, would be so helpful in the coming trials ahead, knowing i am not alone and i have the power to control my emotions without letting it consume me, all by JUST declaring How great He is, How wonderful and Amazing He is, and How Bigger He is than all the things i face. WOW!

My dear, sweet sister in Christ, i know you suffered so much, and a lot. There are days when everything seemed better only to turn out for worst but thats just how life is. You can either go through life and its worst days with Him or without Him, either way, one option is definitely better than the other. I've tried it sideways, and having Him definitely makes even the worst cases better.

You have gone through so much and felt like you've done everything and doubt why your miracle is delaying, or even questioned His promises for you. Please, Don't. This was the life i used to live and trust me it kills not just my hope and faith but also me, slowly everyday. Choose to ponder on the truth, His goodness and the little miracles along the way. You are not the same person you were yesterday, and in God’s eyes, you are loved, wanted and adored! You are not alone in this journey although it may feel like it, trust the process, His timing and the strength He is giving and i know, I believed with all my heart, that every tear and heartache is worth it.

He loves you so much, don't ever forget that. When everything else fails, live by this truth and it will be all you’d ever need.

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." Luke 16:10 (NIV)

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

"...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)

~ Cherie in Manila
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? Chapter 1 "On the Rock" ~ Atarah in South Africa who is also a former “stander.”

? Chapter 1 "On the Rock" ~ Olivia in California who is also a former "stander."

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