Hello Brides, I want to thank my Beloved for His amazing grace and unfailing love. It is a wonderful Journey…
Even before I started the courses I stopped getting on Facebook and I am so thankful. Friends of mine and…
Dear Brides – the Lord is waiting for you to surrender your hurts and fears so He can deliver you…
Dear brides, I want to share that at the beginning of my search after Lota shared with me about the…
Praise the Lord!!! I found it!!! His love song to me:) A while ago, while I was still working for…
Hazel, how did your restoration actually begin? I’m excited to share what God has done in my life. I have…
Dear brides, this Chapter 11 “Je tβaime Mamanβ was so difficult for me to accept, why was difficult to accept?…
Dear Partners, God bless you with millions of blessings for letting me do this first course, it feels like you…
A few years ago, I realized that I needed glasses as I’m near sighted. The ironic thing is, my sister…