Break My Heart “I Hate Divorce” A Wise Woman in Waiting

“‘For I hate divorce,’
says the LORD God.”
Malachi 2:16

Break My Heart
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I Hate Divorce

My sweet brides today I want to share this first part of the chapter "I Hate Divorce" that Erin is writing for our youth! I just praise the Lord for this new chapter, because my daughter Bethiw, who is 16, is having numerous questions about dating and having a boyfriend. Because I experience the destruction of dating and not waiting for the Lord, I keep myself in prayer so My Heavenly Husband can push away the worldly influences from my daughter!

Everything our youth sees on social media, series, movies, and even at school is directing them to date and to be free of commitment! They are bombarded with perfect relationships that are not real.

Now that Erin wrote this chapter, I can finally help Bethia understand the destruction of dating!

As she wrote: "Some young people are devastated when they break up, and I would guess you know this to be true: they no longer want to live. Why oh why put yourself through this torture when you can simply wait? Exactly so, because it's not simple or easy to wait—especially if you don't train yourself in the beauty and experience the superpower of waiting!"

This praise from our dear Adina also encouraged me to post this chapter today

Pray for the man her HF had for her

Let´s share this first with our youth and share what you thought about it! I will share another part of this chapter next week, so we can write our comments and learn together!! 🤩

4 thoughts on “Break My Heart “I Hate Divorce” A Wise Woman in Waiting”

  1. Thank you for sharing dear Isabella, yes some people are devastated when they break up, I see it with my son but I am praying and trusting my son’s Heavenly Father to let him realized it is better to wait. All young people must read this, I wish I had it when I was younger because I was also one of those young people what was devastated when things didn’t work out.

    1. I agree with you my sweet Janine, I wish I had the blessing of this material when I was growing up, so much pain could have been avoided! But now we as wiser women can share this with our children!! Praise Him always!

  2. What really stood out to me is that these break ups are like mini divorces. The world continues to say dating young is so casual and isn’t a big deal. But yet more women continue to be hurt and enter into marriages broken wondering why their marriage isn’t what they thought it would be. It breaks my heart that this is affecting the youth around the world. My daughters aren’t close to the age of dating but I know I need to continue to seek my HH’s leading to guide my daughters down the right path.

    Adina’s post of praise was very encouraging as well. The principles we first learned when our marriages fell apart are to be used to now encourage our daughters and sons. Then our testimonies can help other women and men around the world. There is a ripple affect to our applying and sharing the principles with others.

    1. Yes my sweet Elda. My daughter Bethia is 16 now, and when I got to this Ministry she was 11, so she has learned a lot of things from this amazing material. That is why I also avoid movies, which set fake standards about relationships.
      Our Beloved´s promises and words is what need to learn to be happy, not a relationship as the world sells

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