“Enjoy the Wait”

"The Lord works out everything to its proper end..." Proverbs 16:4

I was putting my little one to sleep last night. 2 Hours in, she was still giggling, flipping back and forth over me and started singing. After repeating more than probably 10 times of reminding/demanding her to sleep, I was ready to give up and my mind began going over all the things I could have done in those 2 hours; all of a sudden I heard "surrender to the process". Here I was, trying to get to the "next stage" but my Love slowed me down and asked me to just thank Him for blessing me with this precious child and enjoy the time with her.

Deep inside I know my little one would eventually fall asleep and I would get to have my little quiet time with HH. But I was getting impatient and trying to rush this process. In that same moment, I remembered the lesson "God's Waiting Room" in Poverty Mentality -

I decided to read it again today to understand further why God has me waiting most of the time. "May I also explain that each time we were asked to “wait” it ultimately made our miracle all the sweeter—it was never just about the price we inevitably paid for each (far below what anyone could imagine). No, it was because it made all of us appreciate what He’d done that much more and, for me personally, because it helped me understand. My wait helped me empathize and inevitably be prepared to encourage others who must wait, encouraging them with compassion."

Dear brides, while we wait, we hope. "Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, 'So shall your offspring be.'" Romans 4:18 I know one day I would look back and "connect all the dots" and "I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds." Psalm 9:1

8 thoughts on ““Enjoy the Wait””

  1. That’s a beautiful testimony. It’s so encouraging to hear how God worked in your life and helped you to surrender to His process. A great reminder to trust in His timing. It is easy to get impatient when we are waiting for something, but it is important to remember that our Beloved has a plan for us and that He will work everything out for our good in the end. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Dear Hope, I can’t agree more. I feel like I have to constantly lay down my will and embrace His, which is another practice I need to keep going. “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21

  2. Thank you for sharing Gioia. You just reminded me of the blessings of waiting and how we can just slow down and enjoy the presence and companionship of our Husband while we wait 💖

  3. Dear Goia
    Thank you for sharing. I don’t know how old ins your little one is, but I remember those days with my little one too, he is 4 now he doesn’t do it anymore, I actually miss those days too, when my little one would not want to sleep on his own, I would lay with him sometimes until he falls a sleep, that’s meant that I needed, to stay quiet too until he falls asleep, it also helped me to quiet down and pray, I could be more focus on hearing and speaking to my Love, because if I would make noise, he could wake up, those were very precious time for me. It was a great way to add more prayer to my day, otherwise, I wouldn’t stop much to pray during the day.

    1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 NIV
    and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

    1. Dear Naomi, thank you for sharing the verse! It may as well be my verse of the day 🙂 She just turned 2 and honestly when she refuses to sleep, she is so cute that I could not get mad at her, but you are right, it’s a great time to pray and I am determined to make it a habit to pray over the children every night.

  4. Dear Ararah, it can’t be more true. Life has become so distracting and I need to remember to rest every moment in Him❤️

  5. ASI es, a veces nos impacientamos con nuestros hijos porque esperamos que tengan nuestro ritmo, y en ese afán olvidamos que pronto crecerán, hoy justamente leía proverbios 19 que nos dice que debemos corregir a nuestros hijos mientras haya tiempo, pero también dice que si lo hacemos con. violencia añadiremos cosas malas a sus vidas, ésto me recordó las veces que en mi propio afán la afanó a ella a veces desesperada.
    también pienso en el hecho de esperar, Dios nos forma también en paciencia y esto es de lo más difíciles, pero en los momentos que logramos tenerla podemos ver lo bendecidas que somos en esta formación que nuestro amor nos da.

    1. Querido Eli, tienes toda la razón: la enseñanza de la paciencia es una píldora difícil de tragar pero muy valiosa. “No sólo esto, sino que también nos gloriamos en nuestros sufrimientos, porque sabemos que el sufrimiento produce perseverancia; la perseverancia, carácter; y el carácter, esperanza”. Romanos 5:4-5
      Google translation – please forgive me if there’s an error 🙂

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