FDA: I Declare New Things

I was going through Facing Divorce Chapter 6: I Declare New Things and dear bride, I want to share my heart and notes with you and encourage you to read this chapter, whether you are facing divorce or not, you will take something away from it. It helped me to look back a bit and see how my Heavenly Husband really blessed me through all these years.

It starts with the verse: "Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you."

In the chapter, the author mentions: "God has shown me there is more peace, joy, and fulfillment that can be yours (and mine), not just when you have a spouse, or when you are restored, but right now, because of who God is and who the LORD wants to be to you in your life."

This was something very important for me to learn at the beginning of my restoration journey. When my children started to go to their father for weekends, I had to talk to the Lord and make a decision: "Will I cry the whole weekend or will I take the time to enjoy every moment and work on my relationship with the Lord, who I now call Husband." If I had not learned this principle very early on, it would have set me up for so many years of sadness, but because of what I learned here, I was able to miss my children, but still enjoy my time with them not here. That was good for my children as well, because they never felt guilty for leaving me alone or spending time with their father. I also believe that is what is now causing them to want to be home because I did not hold on to them and tried keeping them with me. I would not have been able to do any of this myself, but it was all due to His grace.

She also said: "God has a plan for each of our lives, and when we let go of what we want, what we have tried so hard to make happenโ€”then God can take over and give us the abundant lifeโ€”the life we were created to live. It is living His abundant life where we will find true joy and the fulfillment that every human being is looking for. For me it is to live my life as His bride and to share my life as His bride with women around the world ministering through RMI. For you, the Lord also has a unique and special plan that will thrill your heart and bless you beyond what you could ever have imagined."

I have always been afraid to tell others how long I am divorced, because I believed that it would discourage the ladies coming here for restoration, thinking that you will never be restored, but these words gave me comfort, because I know the path He has set before me is not the path He has for you. Even if you came here just for restoration, He can do it for you, but can I tell you that in the last few years, He has done so much more for me?

I also want to venture out and tell you, that if I had been restored years ago, I would have missed out on so many blessings He had for me. Like being able to trust HIM for everything and not a man and then sitting back and seeing Him do it all for me. Being able to work from home, trusting Him with my finances. Homeschool my children. I really believe none of this would have happened. Being able to teach my children His ways and there are so many other things. And I know you are thinking: "Well, He could have done all those things even if you were restored." and my answer to you is: "Absolutely YES" and that is what He may have planned for you, but I want to end with what the author said later on in the chapter because she says it much better than I would ever be able:

"Nevertheless, what is most important is His plan, His will for our lives. It might be that His plan for you is to have a restored marriage, even for a time, as He had for me. Never fear His plan because only HIS plan will result in the happiness that has evaded you."

7 thoughts on “FDA: I Declare New Things”

  1. I also want to share a part of someone else’s journal to encourage you further:
    This is from our Apprentice Gioia when she did this chapter:

    This chapter addresses a lot of common questions when we are faced with a divorce. The part stands out to me is the part about what if divorce is part of God’s plan for me. And this is me being tested and asked myself if I am holding true to when I said “let God’s will be done not mine.” And trust that He cause all things to work together for good.

    I just went thru a health crisis and I thought to myself how’s even possible to go thru two crisis at the same time. But the key here is to trust. Trust the Lord that this happened because He has a plan to work things together in my life. What if He has a greater purpose for me to fulfill? What if I am really being called into ministry? There was a time I asked the Lord what His will for me was, I heard “preach”. I just thought to myself I can’t. I don’t even know the whole Bible. But what if that’s what His plan for me? “If the Lord wills, I will do this and that.” Let God’s will be done.

    I want to be able to embrace all things “enthusiastically” and I can’t do it without the “peace of God”. Dwelling myself in God’s words and praying would always be my go-to when I feel weak. When I was going thru the CT scan yesterday and when fear was overwhelming me, all I could do is to repeat “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”. And that’s what I intend to do for the rest of my life.

    Dear Brides, when we don’t feel like ourselves some days, remind ourselves that our Lord is still watching and with us. When things go astray, trust that it’s part of His divine providence and it will all work out for good.

    ~Gioia in IL

  2. Thank you for sharing this dear Yvonne, I just also had to read this now, that what is most important is His plan, His will for my life. A few minutes ago I shared with you on voice note saying if only I had found the Ministry earlier I could not help to wonder what my life would have been like, but sitting here typing, I know what happened in my life and what my Darling allowed, was for a bigger purpose.
    Thank you so much for also sharing what Gioia said, it is such an encouragement, which is part of my Darling’s message to me today.

  3. I have no doubt you can speak with full authority to say we can be satisfied by our Lord without needing an earthly husband because He as a Heavenly Husband is more than enough.

    I remember facing the possibility of divorce and in fact, I already had plans with my Beloved to be alone with Him for the rest of my life, I was thinking about where we were going to live and what I was going to do once I was free to submit to my earthly husband, I was excited about it!! His will was to restore my marriage and I am also grateful for that, but having experienced the “loneliness” in the separation helped me realize I am NEVER alone, I have the best Man in the world by my side who is the one from whom I receive EVERYTHING that I enjoy today. Dear ladies, only in HIM do we find everything we need. And it is not about seeking His hand, but rather His face, letting Him be the owner of our heart. Thank you for sharing Yvonne โค๏ธ

  4. Thank you Yvonne, I faced many of the same things you did; when my children started to visit their father and the OW over weekends, I realized I can either cry the whole weekend and be depressed because of it, or I can enjoy my time alone with my HH. I chose the later and it made a huge difference in the children and me, because they know they can go there without feeling quilty or bad for me. And He taught me to start living again.

    The same with me telling ladies I am divorced for so many years, because it might discourage them, but since I’ve found the Abundant Life, I can share that with then and the joy, peace and hope I found in my HH. And off course, share my HH with them and be His epistle.

    We each have our own journey, some might be quick and some might take years, but He have a perfect plan for all of us. The best thing we can do is to pursue Him as your Heavenly Husband live the Abundant Life He have for you NOW in whatever stage of your journey you are in.


  5. For those of us who are mothers the added responsibility of our childrenโ€™s hearts and wellbeing is a built in blessing. โ€œChildren are a blessing of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a rewardโ€ and by focusing on them and not ourselves we healed โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน sooner and we blessed more because they were our first MINISTRY. I knew I must get ever closer to my Love for their sakesโ€”to wave ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป goodbye with a smile that came from my heartโ€” excited about the time I was about to spend with Him โ€œWho my heart adores.โ€ And as you said my children knew that their mother was more than fine ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

  6. Dear Yvonne, thank you for sharing your story and that of Gioia.
    It was like you said with me too, but besides the fear of telling people about my divorce, I was still ashamed. Shame that they could be laughing at me for talking about the God who can do all things, but my marriage was not restored. And I remember that one day when I was posting something on my Instagram under my New Name, I started to see my niece like the videos of testimonies of restored marriages that I posted there. From that day forward I told my Beloved that I would continue to post on all my social networks, even if it was just for 1 view, but that His Word (the Word of Hope) could reach wherever He allowed. And so I have done. Because my niece knows my story of the struggles and difficulties I went through, but she always tells me that she admires me for the strength and joy I live my life. I know she knows that it is not my strength, but she is sure in her heart that if I live like this it is because of my Beloved, because it is He who empowers me and makes me live so abundantly.
    So darling, this is what you shared, it took me to go through what I went through, to learn everything about being His Bride, always knowing that He has a perfect plan for each one of us.

  7. “God has shown me there is more peace, joy, and fulfillment that can be yours (and mine), not just when you have a spouse, or when you are restored, but right now, because of who God is and who the LORD wants to be to you in your life.” This is very powerful!
    Because when we have the Lord we havr evrything we need and our lives obtain a new purpose, a new direction. I am not divorce, but this course has a lot of things that renewed my mind. My sweet brides, if you are not divorce and you feat that, do this course. Ou Beloved will show you amazing things that will change your lives.
    When we get to know the Lorf as our everything, miracles will happen and our children will be a part of those blessings. They will enjoy a new season in their lives with a mom that irridiates peace, love and hope.
    Thank you gor sharing my sweet Yvonne

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