RESTORED Marriage Testimony: “My Earthly Husband Asked Me for Time”

โ™•Today's Promise: โ€œCall to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.โ€ J333


Celia, how did your Restoration Journey actually begin?

5 years ago my earthly husband was without a permanent job. Many problems arose from there. Well, I must admit that I did not give him the support that he needed. On the contrary, because of the same situation that we were experiencing, I became a very cold person with him. I claimed him and fought for everything. Take away authority over our children. I took away the keys to the house because he always had a drinking habit and because he came drunk I took away the keys. That was a little over a year ago. He began to miss home a lot for many days he did not come. According to me, he was staying with a friend. I had my suspicions about another woman existence because I had already seen messages on his cell phone. Which I spied whenever I could. Serious mistake!!! It hurt more when I saw that. Which he always denied me. Until the beginning of this year he decided to accept his guilt and confess to me that he had been and continued to be unfaithful. A bucket of cold water for me! I felt like dying, I didn't eat or sleep. And the first thing I thought was to take revenge in the same way.

How did God change your situation, Celia, as you sought Him wholeheartedly?ย 

God with his infinite love showed me that I should look for him. He called me many times throughout my married life. We never answered that call because we made the mistake of believing that we were fine and did not need to go to church. Although we always believed in God it was something cold. But when He touched my heart I felt an enormous peace. I started looking for help on the internet and the first thing that came out and was recommended to me was this wonderful ministry. From there everything began to change for me. Well, there were many things that I still did not understand about God. Not even how to read the bible! I was so far away from my beloved Husband. Being a foolish, arrogant woman, only I wanted to be right about everything.

What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), did the Lord teach you during this trial, Celia?

Faith! That was missing a lot from the beginning. The principle of letting go was fundamental. Well, I wanted to do things my way. I mistakenly wanted to "help" God. When He doesn't need our help! But he was so patient with me. I love my Heavenly Father!!

What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Celia?

The silences. There were moments of much silence, I thought God had forgotten about me. But He always showed me his mercy. It was difficult because my earthly husband was away from home. After I through him out for almost 4 months. And it coincided with the covid emergency. He couldn't come so often to see the kids because of the quarantine. But you know what was wonderful. My beloved Father was my provider. My children and I never lacked anything blessed be God!!

Celia, what was the โ€œturning pointโ€ of your restoration?ย ย 

Maybe it was when my earthly husband noticed my change. Because we mistakenly believe that we should only ask for the restoration of our marriage and it is not. The change begins with us. God wants us to return to his feet, that we love him before everything else!! My earthly husband told me that he admired my change, he thanked me for taking care of our children in the way I was directing them to the paths of God.

Tell us HOW it happened, Celia? Did Wesley just walk in the front door? Celia, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?

My earthly husband asked me for time... That he had to make a decision. After spending a few days without being able to come and see the children, one fine day he told me that he had already made that decision and that it was to return home with his children, because he did not want to harm them any more. Q loved them and missed them very much. That was the first promise that God gave me!!!! Malachi 4:6. My children were very resentful of him. They did not speak to him. The 2 oldest. Our little girls didn't understand much. They believed that their father was working. The truth is that no. Because at the beginning I focused on what my earthly husband did and didn't do. Serious mistake! The process of that can be delayed. We focus more on the what we have in front. When I finally let go and left everything in the hands of my beloved Father. Everything started to get better!

Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Celia?

The book on how God can and will restore your marriage. I read it so many times!! I listened to it in audios a lot of nights. That calmed me down a lot. All this helped me a lot in my process. Although I had many people against me. Advice that people gave me to leave everything and look for a new person. God had a new person for me: earthly husband renewed!! Restored!

Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Celia?

ย Of course yes

Either way, Celia, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?

Walk in faith!! Surrender all burdens to God. Only he is the only one who can help us. Nobody else. And silence the voices that give us advice contrary to what the word of God says. God distanced me from many friends who advised me otherwise.

2 thoughts on “RESTORED Marriage Testimony: “My Earthly Husband Asked Me for Time””

  1. Oh dear Celia, thank you for sharing your Restored Marriage Testimony. It’s so wonderful to see God’s love and work and feel how He calls us in love, giving us the opportunity to be transformed so that He can then give us our miracle. May He continue to fulfill the desires of your heart and empower you to help more women find the Heavenly Husband, the Man of Valor in their lives.
    Much love to you๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŒน

  2. Thank you Isabella for sharing this RMT. I can relate to what she said about spying and snooping and how it just brings about more hurt, the day I completely stopped spying is the day HH started to give me peace and healing.

    Like she also says “surrender all your burdens, HE is the only one who CAN help us, nobody else can” And stop talking about your situation and only Seek God for your answers, only He knows the answers you need!

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