RESTORED Marriage Testimony: “My Husband was Out Partying with So Many Women”

What brought you to RMI? Please use this space to briefly let our readers know what your life was like when you first found us, Natalie, so our readers understand just what a miracle your restoration is.

Natalie, how did your restoration actually begin?

I had been married for 10 years when I discovered my husband was being unfaithful. For years he'd been lying around, doing nothing to help support us, so I lived daily screaming in his face, yelling at him, telling my husband how bad of a husband he was and how I no longer loved him.

What started out as a bad situation got horribly worse. My contentiousness finally destroyed our marriage. My husband left home and left me with my two young children. At first, I thought, Great, now I am free until my husband started having affairs with several women. I'd find out he was out every night partying.

Realizing this had to change, that Bod had to have a better plan for us, I started to change, I changed a lot and decided I wanted my husband to return. But only after a month apart, he was already with a woman he preferred over me and said he did not want to come home. I tried everything or at least so I thought I had, but no matter what he did not want me. I was at a complete loss, until one day while I was looking for a church online to pray, to pray for my family, I found this ministry. An entire ministry devoted to the restoration of hopeless marriages!

At that moment, I knew that God led me to this page HopeAtLast. I quickly filled out the questionnaire and wait a few days just praying I would hear back. And then came the reply! They said, yes, my marriage could be restored, that God loved me, and that if I gave myself to Him wholeheartedly, He, God would restore my marriage. From that moment, I clung to that miracle and the principle in Acts 16:31 NIV, “They replied, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.’” And also in TLB, “They replied, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, and your entire household.’”

How did God change your situation Natalie as you sought Him wholeheartedly?

I began to study each of the books I bought on the website, beginning with A Wise Woman because I knew I'd been foolish and had also torn my house down with my own hands. God showed me, in His word, what a bad wife I had been. He showed me how I always blamed my husband for everything that would go wrong. But I realized everything wrong, was wrong with me and so I began my shift from being an ordinary woman to be the bride of my HH. Throughout the day I fed on His Word, I read the Bible, spoke to Him day and night, and concentrated on my children, no longer thinking about my husband. I needed to first learn how to obey God by knowing His Word.

What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), Natalie, did the Lord teach you during this trial?

The most amazing was “The one who guards his mouth preserves his life; the one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.” Proverbs 13:3. Well, I saw myself reflected in that principle because every time my husband insulted me, I insulted him too. But using His Word to change me, I began to act differently. When my husband insulted me on the phone, I listened without saying a word and no longer defended myself. Instead, I agreed and the insults stopped.

What were the most difficult times that God helped you through Natalie?

The hardest times were when I heard how my husband was out partying with so many women. Each time I had to put him and all my concerns into God's hands. Other difficult times were each time my husband made it a point of telling me he would never return and never wanted to get back with me. But every time, I said nothing, and just saw that the more he said this, the closer we were to restoration. As Erin says, the closer we get the more the enemy wants us to believe otherwise, that it will never happen.

Natalie, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?

Probably when I stopped going to an evangelical church and instead became His church, His bride and at the same time used the abundant life restoration courses to become closer to Him. Almost immediately my husband began visiting the children on weekends and then began staying home to sleep in our bed with me. Although he often seemed upset or angry, repeatedly saying he would not return, I repeatedly always praised my God and told Him I knew that my God was working. And at the appointed time, he would return.

One day as I was having "church" in the middle of the most precious time with just the two of us, I heard God's spirit speak to me and told me my husband would be back in the winter and I believed Him and just began praising the Lord.

Tell us HOW it happened Natalie? Did your husband just walk in the front door?

One weekend, just when it was clear winter had arrived, he came home and told me in the middle of a little argument, "Thank God that I will return home in March or April.” Two days later he returned home and never left.

Natalie, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?

Yes, because when all was lost, when the enemy shouts that all was lost, I'd destroyed my marriage and that my husband would never come back, I know that the blessing was near! That God would restore my marriage and He did.

Would you recommend any of our resource in particular that helped you Natalie?

How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage and A Wise Woman.

Would you be interested in helping encourage other women Natalie?

Yes I would like it very much!

Either way Natalie, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?

I would encourage you to love and put your trust in God. Believe in His promises because God is not a God who can lie and He is a God who keeps His promises. "Delight yourself in the Lord and HE will give you the desires of your heart.: Psalm 37: 4

Dear brides, nothing is impossible for God, seek God, love Him, Adore Him. He wants you to love Him, seek Him first, and once you do, he will return your husbands to you— just as He did with mine. God restored my marriage only because I trusted Him to do it, and He answered because His Word never returns without accomplishing its intent.

This testimony and many more are


By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 7): Take Heart! I have Overcome the World.

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