The Cooker is Still Steaming

♕ Today's Promise: Isaiah 14:3 “And it will be in the day when the LORD gives you rest from your pain and turmoil and harsh service in which you have been enslaved…”

Dear Brides there is not enough words in the dictionary to explain how wonderful this Chapter 6 "That Amazing Grace" is the struggles that you might be facing will be peanuts after your done with this chapter " thats all I can say really really don't leave it for later do it NOW!

Ohh I can not explain how grateful I am for this lesson. I have been searching for that grace for years from a time where I meet a lady who showed such peace and grace she exemplified the word grace by her calm peaceful demeaner. I often searched for it but was not quite convinced that I was getting remotely close. Today I realized that with all the trials God has put me through just like the pressure cooker example I have thankfully lived it! Yes! I am closer and closer. The trials have been hard to the point of feeling such grate unbearable pain but I have been able to endure and get through by taking it all to my love he has comforted me and put me in a high position.

I had recently learned that my EH was or is seeing what was a friend of mine they were seen together and well I was able to take in with grace, by all the readings I have been doing and courses I had been taken I was able to stay calm and really had not much reaction, of course I had to take it to my wonderful HH not without many hours of crying and fasting was I able to let that pressure out only with him, I have been able to stay quiet with the people that don't know about it. More my mother. I have been working on letting go and forgive both parties its been hard but I know that with more intimate time with my HH I shall to pass this trial. The cooker is still steaming.

Now more than ever will I work on remaining quiet in any situations that I would normally react to. I am not too of an overeactor but as a woman and human I do have my days or occasions, I shall stay much more vigilant. You know I was just brought up in mind my daughters, o my love you are just on spot, I shall start there I will be more aware NOT to react to them when they tempt me. Thats a huge step to be a woman of grace in turn to teach them with example just like that wonderful women I had previously mention.

Let's PRAY: Babe you have blessed me with such much all I want to do is to reciprocate the same love. Guide me into teaching our daughters the grace they shall have for their lives. Help me guide them by example of how good your love for all of us. Keep molding me into the brIde, women friend, daughter and wife you want me to be. Thank you for this lesson I am in utter joy. I smile of your love for me. :))

Dear Brides, I wish I had read this Chapter 6 "That Amazing Grace" early on in my journey, but only he knows the plans he has for you and me..all I can say is dont delay and take it in Now!

If you have been looking for peace and rest from all your trials boy is this a book Living the Abundant Life to read. I just can not bring it into words the guidance and how an eye opener it has been for me. Please just read... Faith is believing in things we dont see.. Have faith take it on.

In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 KJV)

Indeed sticking to this promise is just heavenly for me. We are always going to go through some type of trial, but I can rest asure that I can overcome it with my love!

~ Emma in Sedona
I’m a tithing​ partner. Learn more​​.

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