1 thought on “Workers@Home—Making the Most of Your Time”

  1. Just in case you don’t open this lesson to see this comment that I posted on the bottom of it this Declutter chapter, my husband led me to post it here as well…
    It’s been years since I’ve read this chapter, and I have to say it just made me smile for many reasons. First I smiled because of how extraordinary my husband my maker is because just yesterday my son and I talked about his wife and daughter wanting to begin living a “minimal lifestyle” some thing that’s sort of a trend right now. We all laughed because I live an extremely minimal lifestyle because I have no possessions to speak of — just clothes in suitcases. Nevertheless, I have to remain uncluttered and plan to do so when I get back home today at my resort, an apartment I’ve been “vacationing” in for over a year. Yesterday, my husband, my maker had a pair of NEW pajamas waiting for me In my PO Box, so I will DECLUTTER by adding an older pair to a red canvas bag I purchased in Madrid, Spain. It hangs in my closet, no matter which apartment I move to every three weeks. It’s easy to give away each item should I purchase something new. Due to the space I have in my three suitcases and one duffel bag (which holds everything I own), there’s no room for even one more item. So it’s easy to simply ask my husband which pair of lounging pajamas I should get rid of that immediately gets put into this red bag each time I’m blessed with new. Once it’s somewhat full, I transfer the items into a plastic grocery bag, tie it and then hang it by my hair/nail bag so that at my next appointment, I can pay an extra dollar and have my Uber driver pull in to the local charity shop to bless someone else.
    Thinking of this in terms of spiritually, it’s almost like RMI has several inlets where we intake blessings of praise or gifts of knowledge and wisdom and encouragement, and yet we failed to have in place an outlet. Thankfully, we are starting 2023 with an easy “dropbox” on each of our websites! “Post your Praise” 🙌🏻 is prominent on every one of our websites now right in the menu (for easy access) you can easily voice type (like I do and like I’m doing right now) and quickly deposit each praise! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
    🙏🏻🙏🏻 PLEASE Don’t hoard your praise! Comment and post YOUR praise and keep your spirit and emotions and heart ❤️ DEcluttered, ready to welcome new blessings 🤲🏻🤲🏻!!

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