All We Don’t Learn in a Church

I’m learning to Live the Abundant Life “For nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37). Dear Brides, let’s not be afraid of the waves of adversity, and do not resist the evil person. It is not just about us, the today´s difficulty, is also the testimony of tomorrow, that will encourage someone else, and glorify His name.

“But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you” (Matthew 5:39-42).

He taught me to not resist evil. I always thought that the best way to avoid getting hurt again was to avoid certain situations or people. I confess that this principle is very difficult to practice because the feeling to run away and hide is so strong, but I know that now, I have Him as my Lord, Savior, and Husband and that I don’t need to fear others because He is with me.

From this 3rd chapter, I now understand that the bigger the adversity, the bigger is the blessing coming after that. God uses the trials to teach us, to transform us, heal us, we can’t understand His mind, but we know that He sees everything, and knows what is needed for our spiritual growth, and more intimacy with Him.

I don’t like adversity, I fear more about thinking the “what ifs” or what kind of adversity is coming my way. The uncertainty in my life really is something that I am struggling with, Not having a place to live and a job are the situations that can take my breath away. But I know that the time that I am jobless and homeless, will be used for His Glory and His purpose, and to help others who may face the same thing that I am living now.

I now will be careful to watch for the waves of adversity coming on my way, and I will surrender to God, knowing that He is preparing me for something, or to bless me, I will rejoice because I will testify about His Grace and Love.

Dear Brides, do not fear, know that our Beloved is with us, and all adversity He will use to bless our lives, so every time a wave of adversity comes your way, rejoice because the Lord will do something in your life.

There are many things that we don’t learn in a church, but we can learn using the many resources that the RMI provides. This book helps me to seek a closer relationship with my HH and hope you take the Living the Abundant Life course.

~ Sara in Turkey