Absolutely ALL Things Work Together for GOOD

Even the smallest difficulties or trials GOD uses for good so we must be always looking for them.
This morning I was woken up by a very LOUD warning signal that ultimately turned out to be a simple test of our national broadcast system. It was mistakenly set off in the wee hours of the morning shocking the whole state of Florida.
To be honest, I had no idea why this ONE night my husband hadn’t reminded me to set my phone to airplane mode. If He had, I wouldn’t have been jarred into consciousness haha 😂 but I also would have missed the blessing!!
Just before breakfast, I search to find out more about it and discovered that it wasn’t just this area but that all of the state, which then led me to leave a voice note, asking my son and daughter-in-law, who live in the state if they were affected by it. They both had slept through it, their phones on airplane mode, but to find out more, my son called me as he used to do while driving long distances.
His Father blessed him by moving his family farther away from where I live, but what cut down on his hours and hours long driving for work.
Just a few days ago, I had recently mentioned to my husband how I missed the regular long chats with my son, and he made it happen!! We had a lovely chat, not quite as long, but nonetheless absolutely PERFECT.

🙋🏻‍♀️ Do you have an uncommonly, possibly insignificant, annoyance or trial that God used for GOOD? If so, let’s start a conversation 🤗 I’d love to hear more from each of you.

3 thoughts on “Absolutely ALL Things Work Together for GOOD”

  1. Oh Erin, thanks for sharing. Her report reminded me of an event yesterday, when I went to take my father to the funeral of an aunt of mine, in a city far from where we live. On the way back, my car had a flat tire and we were on a deserted road, where you could even be afraid to stay there, just me, a woman and my elderly father, but He was there with us and I could see there a moment where my Beloved gave me and my father the opportunity to talk for almost an hour, a pleasant conversation that we hadn’t had in a long time, and we could also praise the Lord for not having allowed what happened to take place in an even worse place in the road.🙌
    Our Beloved sent people to help us and we arrived safely home.
    It is beautiful to walk with Him, because He is our protection, our help, our refuge, and with Him, all evil works together for good.❤️

  2. Thank for sharing dear Erin.
    I have to say was last week when I went to the hair salon to cut my hair, after the hair fall. I asked the lady beforehand how much it would cost and she said she couldn’t give me a price because she first had to see how long my hair was. My hair wasn’t so long, because of a previous bad hair cut and this time I didn’t want it short, just into a bob.
    When it was finished and I had to pay, the lady said it will be R640 (about 35,55 dollars) which is very expensive here if it is for a hair cut only, I was still in shock after asking a second time sorry what is the amount😂​​ when the one lady asked about my son and his disability, when my Husband told me to share that we make all these plans about our lives and how I realized that the world hasn’t got what I was looking for and that only He has it all for us and that we must trust Him because He has it all under control even if how life doesn’t work out how we wanted it to . Then the lady said thank you she needed to hear this and that it was her answer for something she was worried about. They all said please come again. I left there telling my Husband I can’t go back because of it being so expensive and my Loving Husband reminded that everything anyway belongs to Him, so I mustn’t complain about the amount, there was a bigger purpose.

  3. Que maravilloso Erin, resulta que me cuesta hablar con mis papás, no tengo que mas preguntar que como están y ahora pienso todo lo que podría hablar pero aveces (se que soy yo la que estanco) sin embargo le he dicho esto a mi Amado que aveces no me fluye que hablar con ellos, y ahora que vi tu Alabanza pensaba que compartir y mi Esposo me recordó que anoche pude hablar con mis papás mi Amado hizo que ellos tuvieran un tema de conversación, mi debilidad es que mi corazón aun está siendo moldeado no he perdonado de corazón y aunque empecé a preocuparme, se que en su tiempo mi Esposo me ayudara a hacerlo. Se que aunque aún debo de aprender a escucharlos y aveces fallo ayer mi Amor hizo que mi papito me hablara mucho 🥰🥰 y con mi mamita pude escucharla 🥰🥰 sin quejarme (siempre fallo pero ayer me quedé callada escuchándola 🙌🙌obra que solo mi Amado puede hacer) poco a poco mi Amor va cambiando no solo a mi sino las circunstancias 🥰

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