He Gave Me Wisdom

I need to once again praise my Heavenly Husband for how He gave me wisdom and understanding to help my daughter with her mathematics.

My children stay with my former husband (Kevin) during the week since the beginning of this year. I see them 3 weekends per month. Because they stay in another town, they had to change schools as well. They are now in a private Christian school that the OW’s children also attend. My children always used to be in an Afrikaans first language school with English as their second language. But the new school is an English first language school with Afrikaans as second language. This means all exams except Afrikaans are written in English.

The first two terms my daughter failed mathematics which I couldn’t understand because she always did well in maths. I spoke to my HH about it and when she had to study for the 2nd term exam, He showed me that she doesn’t understand the English terms and questions since she always wrote her exams in Afrikaans and knew all the terminology in Afrikaans. So, I asked my HH to show me how I can help her.

I went to visit my aunt the next week and we spoke about it, and she mentioned that my niece’s husband gives extra math classes and also have a German pupil that he must now teach in English because she had the same problem when they came here, and her marks went up a lot. HH showed me a way and I immediately enrolled her for extra classes.

During the 3rd term her marks went up to 70%! All her subjects improved a lot and I can only give my HH all the praise and glory for showing me what the problem was and providing me with a solution to help her \o/\o/. They are currently busy with their last exams for the year, but I am at peace because He is with her and will help her.

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3 thoughts on “He Gave Me Wisdom”

  1. Wow Adina, I heard you sharing this praise in our Fellowship but l just loved reading it again 😁 l can never tire of reading or listening to the praise shared even when l hear twice!!

    As you know l have also been struggling so much with my son and his difficulties with English spelling… well we received his report for this year and he passed πŸ™ŒπŸΎ l know that my son still needs lots of help going into Grade 3 next year but the wonderful thing is we know our children have a wonderful Heavenly Father who wants to help them and we as mums just need to ASK πŸ™

  2. I just want to share an update on this praise, my daughter passed mathematics this year! Although her marks dropped a bit during the final exam of this year, she passed, and she improved so much since the beginning of the year in all her subjects. But we will continue with the extra classes next year as He leads\o/\o/

    Considering that they are now in an ENG first language school and adjusting to that and having Afrikaans as a second language, they both did very well, and I just want to thank my HH for guiding me and for their HF for helping them and being with them always! \o/\o/\o/

  3. That is wonderful news πŸ™‚ You know Adina… I was just thinking… it is such a drastic change for your kids from Afrikaans to English… not just in a speaking sense but in an education sense… It must have been really difficult in the beginning… but we know that all thing work together for GOOD \o/ I am sure your kids will be reaping HIS BENEFITS for their futures!!

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