He Turns Situations Around

What I thought would break me, He turned around for good!

Last year my former husband (Kevin) started the process of taking full custody of the children away from me (due to financial reasons). His plan was that the children stay with them full time and I only see them every second weekend. During this time HH led me and gave me the desire to translate the Facing Divorce Book again. Although our divorce went through a long time ago, this book really helped me during this time and I applied the principles taught in this book; agree with your adversary quickly and enthusiastically. Because I applied these principles the children stayed with me until the end of last year and I can now see them 3 weekends per month and over school holidays.
During the time they still stayed with me to finish the school year HH really gave me peace and helped me to accept the situation, because I couldn’t even think about my children living with the OW and that she will play a big role in their lives, taking them to school etc.
Now that we are nearing the end of the first year of them staying with their dad during the week, I can look back and truly see how He gave me peace and joy to go through this trail.

He turned many things around; my children wanted to go and stay with their dad, they even told me at one stage that I must be a better mom, now they always tell me that I am the best mom and that they miss me. I always get little notes from them in my diary or even on my laptop just saying that they love me and miss me. My son always asks me to wake them up early on a Monday morning before I take them back, because then it feels like they have more time with me! Win without a word and being agreeable also brought me and Kevin to a place where we can have a peaceful co-parenting relationship, not that we ever fought about the children and I always allowed him to see they children whenever he wanted, because I knew the children missed him a lot.

Win without a word and only telling my HH what I desire also became so real to me this year and I realized just how powerful these principles are. One school holiday Kevin sent me a mail asking how we must arrange the schedule for the holiday, I asked my Husband how I can answer him, He led me to answer that he must decide and that I will trust him to make the best decision. While I waited for his reply I spoke to my HH about the desire of my heart. When Kevin replied two days later, the schedule was exactly the way I discussed with my HH! Even for this upcoming holiday I told Kevin that he must decide and again the same thing happened!

HH also led me to start living again and doing fun stuff with the children, while they stayed with me during the week it was always school and homework and weekends they were with their dad, now I am the one that can do fun stuff with the kids, even if we just go for a walk or go to the park. He always blesses us with opportunities to do something fun and just spend time together. Yes, there are weekends when they have homework, task or have to study, but we can still fit something fun into the weekends.
With our Husband by our side we can truly go through any trail that comes our way and experience His joy and peace in the midst of the trail. And He will turn everything around for good!

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5 thoughts on “He Turns Situations Around”

  1. Adina, thank you for sharing this praise, I have never been in this type of situation but WOW!! I am in awe of how the Lord kept you in perfect peace throughout it all!! This could NOT have been an easy situation for you. For a mother to be without her kids must be such a heart breaking situation but reading your praise I am convinced that with the help of our HH we can face ANYTHING. I agree with you we CAN experience so much joy and peace in the midst of it!! Thank you for sharing from your heart, I am sure that it will encourage so many mothers out there faced with the same situation.

    Gods word is so true! We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our Testimony!!

  2. Adina I second what Atarah said! You have been an inspiration for such a long time and see your face becoming transformed – – literally glowing, your heart bubbling with joy is proof that the love of a good Husband, protector, provider and healer is what every woman on earth 🌍 needs!

    β€œOlder women similarly are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips…. teaching what is right and good”

    I didn’t see the link to facing divorce again. Can you post it for everyone? Even for those who aren’t facing divorce, per se, the principles are useful when anything horrific is coming against you. You and Dena are testament to that.

  3. Wow Adina, what another beautiful testimony. I cannot believe a year has already passed. When I first heard that your children were going to stay with Kevin, my heart just broke for you. Seeing your testimony one year later, I am so encouraged and I can see His love just shining through in your praise!

    Thank you for being such an amazing encouraging woman. ❀️

  4. Wow Adina I love reading your testimonies, you have been such an inspiration and brilliant teacher in my life. I love how God turns a situation around and the fun you are having with your kids, all because of what our Heavenly Father does. I remember how I cried when my son wanted to go and live with his dad and I wish I was part of the ministry years ago, because I didn’t let go and did more harm, but our Lovingly Father’s grace is sufficient and today me and and my sons have a beautiful relationship.

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