I found the most precious gift for mom

A couple years ago, due to my procrastinating, I lost something very precious to my mom.
She had asked me to take a box of my grandma’s china (who passed when she was younger) to storage for her. This china was very special to her because my grandmother passed while my mom was pregnant with me.
Anyways, due to my own procrastinating and negligence, this box of china was lost. My mom was devastated to say the least.
So, today, I was in my truck and I look across the street at the antique store. I had a thought, I should go on. Mind to, I haven’t been in this store for a year or more. And it’s not my thing.
So I thought hey why not. I was talking to my HH asking Him to help me enjoy this time with him and I did. While I was there I kept feeling like I was there for a reason.
Sure enough, I came across a set of salt and pepper shakers in the exact same pattern of my mom’s lost ones! For very cheap!
Her birthday is in a few days and she had asked for this specifically! And I happened to have enough in my wallet to buy it!!

I am blown away at his care and him showing me something like this. I never knew it was possible and also, while I was looking around, at all the beautiful antiques, I was praying and praising him for the beautiful designs that men make! All because of the creativity he put inside of us!
And all of that experience is because He is in me and loves me.

Praise Him!!!

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