I Wasn’t Alone

The day I found out about our MLA and our honeymoon with our Husband, I had already began to feel ill. I had been sick the night prior and I knew that I had many things to do for the ministry. Isn’t He just so great that He took all that away from me and wanted me to rest with Him!! I felt a load off of my shoulders and I could just rest in bed with Him. I continued to feel ill the next couple of days so I was not able to go out and do anything really, just rest and i believe that’s what He wanted. I ended up going to the emergency room on Saturday because my dad wanted me to go and make sure everything was okay because of my medical history so I listened to him and went.
The emergency places at hospitals are always so full and I braced myself for a long long wait. When I arrived I signed in and I was in the waiting room like 5 minutes and then the nurses called me back to get my vital signs. Usually after that they send you back to the waiting room for hours to wait with everyone else for a room to be ready so you can see the Dr.
Well, they took me right back to an ER room instead of the waiting room where there were other people there before me. I was so happy that my Husband arranged for me to go right back!! I got to the room and put a gown on to lay on the bed and the Dr saw me within 10 minutes which is unheard of and ordered tests to be ran on me.
I went alone and my dad and sister kept calling to see if I wanted them to go but I kept telling them no, that I was fine. Many years before when I would go alone I would feel abandoned and unloved. This time I knew I wasn’t alone. He made me feel at peace and so loved by Him. I did not want or need anyone else there. I was not worried about the results or what they would tell me. The nurses got me comfortable and I was able to sleep for hours and just relax. I was thanking my Husband so much for taking such sweet care of me. I really felt such peace and tranquility in that moment and instead of being scared, worried, or feeling abandoned, I felt that love and protection all over me! He truly is the best Husband and my hope is that each woman can find this love that only He can give you!

8 thoughts on “I Wasn’t Alone”

  1. Dear Liora, how wonderful is how Heavenly Husband and I praise God that He gave you resting time and that everything was ok by the ER and that you didn’t feel alone because yes He was right beside you.

  2. Liora as I was reading me a praise I could just feel your peace. It’s the way we want all of our sisters and daughters and friends and coworkers to feel. It’s truly living the abundant life and I’m so grateful that He has called you and of course is with you right now and Who orchestrated this special event to prepare you even more as the love at last minister.
    As you know, but our encouraging women may not know is that my Husband has spoken to me about you when we began talking about the LMF and who would be called to Minister/Shepherd “ if you love Me, feed my sheep” because not just anyone will do.
    Feeding His brides and would-be brides is hugely important and as I was explaining to my massage 💆🏻‍♀️ therapist (yes, like all His brides He pampers me too) our RMI ministers are women who have come THROUGH difficulties and have a testimony to give them the ability to UNDERSTAND what the women are going through and WHO they need to guide them through. Not us but HIM.

    You’ll notice Liora that Atarah has already signed her LMF agreement https://restoreministriesinternational.com/
    for Hope at Last and I hope you will use this sweet time in your Husband’s arms to ask Him if He’s calling you to be the L@L Minister/Shepherd “if you love Me, feed my sheep” because, as I said, not just anyone will do.
    If He does touch your heart ❤️ and you believe it’s the “appointed time” ”for such a time is this” and simply follow the links that will lead to the agreement form.
    May I just say that I can’t help smiling that I am offering this to you with so many witnesses watching. I’m just imagining your husband getting down on one knee with an engagement ring 💍 and everyone is watching and cheering 🥳🤗

    1. Boasting about my weaknesses has not only become something I stopped dreading—it’s become one of my favorite hobbies—something I relish!!
      This morning when my Husband reminded me of the LMF offers I’d posted yesterday, I quickly went to my inbox to see just the signed agreement from Isabella https://encouragingwomen.org/we-have-a-new-house/#comment-235
      Right away, I thought, “Good, I’m glad Liora is taking her time, waiting and listening for her Husband to lead her… and then He led me…
      My Husband led me to scroll through the blog https://loveatlast.org/blog/ after not seeing any new comments, and that’s when I realized it was me who’d messed up.
      There’s no doubt you have a passion for your Husband and a relationship with Him that’s inspirational—you’d have to be blind not to see it. But my desire for you to have it blinded my eyes and what clearly was MY plan and not His.
      I’m just so thankful you waited, so I, too, can wait with you to see what fruits begin to bud and then blossom and who HE is calling. But He’s already used it for GOOD. I was able to update the webpage https://restoreministriesinternational.com/lmf/
      It might be it IS you, Liora, but it needs to come from within, not forced by me so PLEASE forgive me. I know whoever He calls it will be at the appointed time!!

      1. You are right Erin that my answer needs to come from within. That is why I’m taking this time to spend with Him asking, seeking and praying for Him to show me if this is for me. I use to not ask Him before I did anything or made any decisions and we know that’s why i ended up here seeking help but the great thing is that He turned it for good. I don’t want to make a rushed decision without asking Him first and letting Him answer and guide me to what He wants me to do. Thank you Erin!

  3. Dear Liora, thank you for sharing your report. 🙏
    Your story made me remember when I also had to stay in the hospital a long time ago and I still didn’t know Him as my Husband, I didn’t have Him as my great love, and how difficult that time was to bear. But your report helped me to remember the changes He has made in my life, and now I am sure that if something similar happens to me again, I will be able to feel like you, I can feel peace and tranquility, instead of being afraid, or even worried or feeling abandoned, but I know I will feel His love overflowing in my life.🌻

  4. Sweet Liora!! Wow, that is just amazing!!! You are a living proof of a medical miracle and just how much care He has for each one of His brides!!
    Thank you for sharing!! 💖💖💖💖

  5. Hi my dear Liora, you have no idea how happy I am that you were in company of your Husband and no need to have anyone else. I remember when you started your journey and I can see this as a breakthrough in your life. He know what is best for us. starting from the honeymoon and taking such a good care of you at the hospital holding his hand.

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